Lord I Hope This Day Is Good – Lee Ann Womack – IOTW Report

Lord I Hope This Day Is Good – Lee Ann Womack

8 Comments on Lord I Hope This Day Is Good – Lee Ann Womack

  1. Since I’ve become a default caregiver to my parents over the past couple of weeks and am currently spending my nights making sure that they’re OK, it’s been hard, it’s been good and maddening at the same time dealing with my Mom’s dementia especially late at night. Sometimes I question my sanity for doing this but I know it’s the right thing to do and that makes it good and occasionally hearing my Mom tell me I’m doing a good job when she is in her right mind. Sometimes I think their cat Fred is the only normal one around their house. I needed this, it’s going to be good day since I get away during the day. Today’s Stream also has an article called He’s got this by Al Perrotta which emphasizes the same point that he’s got it all under his control, I sure as heck don’t at times. But it’s worth it overall. We had a really bad night, Thursday night into Fri. morning but last night she was able to sleep well, thank goodness. I having to learn to laugh at some of the most bizarre things, like cooking corn late at night, going swimming in the middle of the night because it’s been so darned hot around here lately and making out reports to turn into the govt. in the morning etc. that come up out of her crazy confused mind and not to argue with her. I believe it’s called grace, all the grace I’ve been given is now being poured out upon her and my Dad. It’s definitely a new adventure every night.

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