Los Angeles, California: Man Uses Drone To Capture Homeless Encampments Around the City – IOTW Report

Los Angeles, California: Man Uses Drone To Capture Homeless Encampments Around the City


A local California man is taking things into his own hands to give residents a clearer view of growing homeless encampments overrunning the county. Johnny Perez spends his free time as a drone pilot grabbing snapshots of “encampment after encampment.”

“It’s a little scary even to see from the air,” he says. Perez runs an Instagram account @dyingcalifornia that gives a birds eye view of multiple locations hosting 30-plus tents. The intent is to get people riled up enough to force council members to actually do something.

An area near the Northridge mall caught his attention as the trash borders a health hazard and the base sits above the LA River. more here

17 Comments on Los Angeles, California: Man Uses Drone To Capture Homeless Encampments Around the City

  1. I have some of those sites for sale. Prices range from $99,000 (cardboard refrigerator box next to garbage area) to $299,000 (deluxe 4 room connector tent from REI with sharps box for needles included and easy access to ditch for toilet facilities).

    No Better Value In the Valley.

  2. There are homeless tents going up along I-5 just out of Portland. Being a new and strange sight, I would think that might contribute to accidents along the freeway, but who am I?

  3. This all started with a lawsuit in Boise, ID in 2009 when the City tried to clamp down on “camping” on public land. The ACLU stepped in to help the homeless campers and eventually the decision went to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals where criminalizing “homelessness” was declared unconstitutional!!!YAY!! This decision only applies to the states in the Ninth Circuit–Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii and Alaska.

    My local Code Enforcement Officer said there was nothing that could be done to round up the “campers” that are starting to appear in my town, south of Portland. Our only hope is that Trump’s new delegates to the Ninth Circuit may have enough clout to overturn that decision once an appropriate action is brought before them.

    @Tuesday–(Hi there!) we can only hope that camping by the freeway will eliminate some of the miscreants! I watched a couple of ’em stumble across two lanes of traffic (with a dog!), scramble over the concrete barrier and stand in the median for a chance to get to the other side. I’m sure there’s a joke waiting to be written. JD Hasty? Jerry Manderin? One of the Geoffs?
    Anyway, here’s a comprehensive article with lots of links:

  4. Hi MerryMouse! Good to talk to you again! Yeah, on I-5 we started passing all these tents in clumps! I was so shocked that I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough before we wizzed past them all! Terrible! A blight! And a hazzard!!!

  5. There are open fields all along I-5 in this agricultural valley in Oregon. Any area could be acquired under eminent domain to convert to encampment locations. However, what the government won’t do, private citizens/organizations could at least try to do. “If all those in need of a place to subsist can’t help themselves, why should ANY of these worthless unfortunates be helped by me?” — says Scrooge .

  6. Do we really need to continue droning on and on about the homeless problem. Probably, why can’t we call them bums like we used to do or vagrants for that matter. We have a homeless problem here in Spokane as well but not as bad as Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco etc. on the West coast. Yesterday when I dropped off my daughter in front of the Starbucks downtown on my way to work there was an extremely crazy obviously homeless woman who was ranting and raving and screaming her head off at people passing by, I had to drop my daughter off a block away so she could avoid this crazy lady. She also carries pepper spray with her now just in case. My brother has had to chase off people at his shop on the edge of downtown more than once when they want to use his restroom, if they ask politely he’ll let them use it but still keeps a watchful eye on them. And some of the panhandlers are professionals who we know by sight hanging around the same corner every day. And where do the bums get the cardboard and magic markers to make their signs?

  7. But but but they recently forced all the homeless encampments out along the Santa Ana River trail in Orange county!
    Surely they didn’t all go camp somewhere else!
    Because that’s the bureaucrats answer to solving problems – make them someone else’s problems.

    How many people in CA have lost their homes & jobs as a direct result of CA’s sanctuary for illegals policy?


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