Louisiana Democrat Party Chair Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud – IOTW Report

Louisiana Democrat Party Chair Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud


Karen Carter Peterson pleaded guilty in federal court Monday afternoon to defrauding contributors of $147,357, putting an ignominious end to a political career that saw her serve 22 years in the state Legislature from New Orleans and chair the Louisiana Democratic Party for nearly a decade. More

11 Comments on Louisiana Democrat Party Chair Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud

  1. “… serve 22 years in the state Legislature …”

    Funny use of the word “serve.”

    Theft and Fraud are now services?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Something tells me leftists have adopted that admitting your transgressions equals forgiveness.

    Eff’in leftists are stealing from the Bible to commit evil and call it forgiven.

    For the Atheists…

    Without accepting Jesus as you Savior – and your repentance being obvious afterward, all of your actions will count against you at the judgement seat. Nothing we do is hidden from our Creator and Judge.


    @ Tim – FJB AUGUST 2, 2022 AT 7:21 PM

    “Serve” is just a cover word. We know it doesn’t apply literally.

    Even though it should.


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