“Love is Love”? More Like “Share My Disease” – IOTW Report

“Love is Love”? More Like “Share My Disease”


So what’s the payoff for all this LGBTQ activism over the past decade? Well, aside from creating division and promoting deviance, it looks like drug-resistant plagues and diseases are also coming out on top. Hooray! It turns out that since the passing of “love is love,” grotesque sexual diseases are skyrocketing in the United States with no end in sight. More

13 Comments on “Love is Love”? More Like “Share My Disease”

  1. And the unvetted, uninspected, infected, illegals add to this rich mix of diseases.

  2. I don’t think that they really mean love is love when it really means lust is lust. There’s a huge difference between love and lust, true love values the other person, lust just wants to get laid no matter who or what. I’ll take real love every time, lust just gets you into trouble every time and exposes you to all kinds of funky STD’s and leaves you all hollow and empty inside. No thanks, I’ve been there and done that and found the true love of my life in my wife of nearly 36 years and happiness with that. All lust did was to help me get my rocks off and nothing more and made me miserable. There is no happiness in lust.

  3. And don’t forget, restrictions on who can donate blood have been relaxed. Fortunately, blood banks test blood for all sorts of nasty things. But, there could be a chance that something slips through the cracks.

  4. @ Goldenfoxx
    What/who is your alternative?
    Let God sort him out in his timing like he does with everyone that knows him.
    I’m open to someone that’s better, there just isn’t .

  5. @AJ: I don’t know of any candidate that I can get behind. I was all in for Trump, voted for him twice. Now that I know more about him, I can’t do it again. I can’t speak for God and who he chooses to rule, we are given his written word to live our life by. I try to live by the Word.

  6. ¡BENITO THE BOMBED BEANER! Thursday, 5 October 2023, 21:28 at 9:28 pm



    Here ya go…..People here don’t like me mentioning this, but here ya go. It can’t be denied….. Very cringe worthy….

    Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

    “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.


  7. Regarding Trump… If I agreed with everything any politician said I think it would be time to worry. In spite of his support for queers I’m still behind him 100%.


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