Maddow licks Kelly in ratings – IOTW Report

34 Comments on Maddow licks Kelly in ratings

  1. Fox News seems to be pulling harder for Hillary lately. It is subtle but it is there. Megyn has a hardness about her lately. I agree about the butch haircut. I used to enjoy watching her but no longer. I suspect I am not alone in these opinion.

  2. Me-Again Kelly is dead to me ever since she tried to sabotage Trump, early on.

    Fox has steered steadily Left for many years.
    Fox now is catching up editorially with CNN and MSNBC.
    I think they will find their audience will not follow along with them.

    I’ll still watch Hannitty for post-debates and Lou Dobbs is a great commentator who is mostly unappreciated. More people should check Dobbs out.

  3. The Country wants Trump
    The Globalists, the Communists, The Left, the Non-Traditional-Gendered, the Corrupt, the Grifters, the career hacks, they want Hilary.
    I will not go gently into the dark, Liberal night
    If she wins it’s time to find a state willing to secede from this crappy union. Because the country will be unworthy of our talents, and our allegiance.

  4. @Lazlo October 15, 2016 at 9:40 am

    > If she wins it’s time to find a state willing to secede from this crappy union. Because the country will be unworthy of our talents, and our allegiance.

    Because a country that would go so far as to vote on the question IS worthy of your talents, and your allegiance?

  5. Deplorable Jarhead Cracka October 15, 2016 at 10:25 am

    I’m with Ohio Dan on this one; used to enjoy watching Megyn, but now i think she’s developed an ego approaching Oreilly’s. It’s now all about HER.

    Trump was right about Megyn Kelly all along.

  6. Stopped watching Fox in ’08 (after omama won the first time). Now and then I’ll catch a video on line and have seen MK come out adoring herself more and more with each clip. Vanity is NEVER a winner (women of substance realize this). MK is a loser; someday that fact will hit her.

  7. Remember that Murdoch’s son (who is left to the core) got the guy that built FoxNews as a conservative(ish) counterpoint to the other networks fired using an accusation of sexual harassment by Megyn Kelly as an excuse. They then put in people they could control to run it and started shifting it left. If this trend keeps up Foxnews will go from having about half the marketplace to fighting for less then 20% and revenue will collapse. You have to wonder whether Murdoch is starting to exhibit signs of dementia as he’s always been interested in the money and if they follow this track they’ll be scruffling for tidbits.

  8. Saxindacity… I totally agree…. She could go to HLN maybe, time to move on, they belong to Fox! .
    She lost me when she did not support Pamela Geller about the draw Mohammed cartoons. I honestly don’t think she even knew why Pamela did it.
    Go back to Syracuse Megan……..

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