Magnifique Melania! – IOTW Report

Magnifique Melania!

During the short side trip to Paris, the first lady made a point to visit with sick children at the Necker Children’s Hospital. She spoke directly to staff and children, in their own language.


Mooch would’ve shown up around lunch time and asked what was in the menu.

17 Comments on Magnifique Melania!

  1. action’s speak louder than word’s. Mrs. Trump tries to keep a low profile but when she does something- the whole world notice’s,and it is for the good and not to be seen……

  2. just pass”n thru, good point

    your comment reminds me of gary sinese and how he stays quiet on the politics, but goes out and supports veterans, especially the wounded and feeble

    true americans who are trying to make a difference, and their true leadership style does not give a damn who gets the credit, it’s about the cause

  3. She is a very telling comment on her Husband.
    That he won her, and kept her, says a lot about him.
    I absolutely love her, and her style and grace and obvious caring.

    She is doing a lot of this MAGA on her own

  4. who are you kiddin??? the mooch visiting a children’s hospital in paris??? even at lunchtime????…..seriously?????

    NOT..not in paris, not in dc, not ANYWHERE……

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