Man Accused of Doxxing Republican Senators May be Expelled by George Washington U – IOTW Report

Man Accused of Doxxing Republican Senators May be Expelled by George Washington U



Legal Insurrection: Jackson Cosko, the man accused of doxxing three Republican senators during the Kavanaugh hearings is apparently a grad student at George Washington University. Perhaps not for much longer.

The College Fix reports:

Grad student may face expulsion after allegedly doxxing Republican senators

George Washington University is refusing to discuss its student code of conduct after one of its graduate students was arrested for allegedly publicizing Republicans’ personal information online. That code holds that students “may be accountable both to civil authorities and to the University for acts that constitute violations of law.” The code states that criminal activity may result in dismissal from the university.

According to the school’s newspaper The GW Hatchet, earlier this month Jackson Cosko, a graduate student in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, was arrested by Capitol Police for allegedly “publishing personal information about at least three Republican senators online.” Cosko allegedly posted the personal information of Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Orrin Hatch during Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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7 Comments on Man Accused of Doxxing Republican Senators May be Expelled by George Washington U

  1. I wouldn’t count of them kicking him out. Not with his connections, through his parents (feinstein’s husband’s business associate), and also his former employers (feinstein, lee). And who was paying his salary when he committed his crimes? Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I bet there is a lot of ‘lobbying’ going on to keep him in. And that is to keep him in the university that is going to employ james comey to teach a course on ethics.

  2. Expel him? Hell, he won’t even have to go to Berkeley, Old guy, to be awarded an “honorable” graduate degree. They’ll probably award him a PhD in “responsible citizenship”.

  3. GWU has a prison online division…..he’ll be able to get his PhD. without missing a beat…and he’ll have a full scholarship because he’s in the slam. Whatta great country we live in!


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