Man Gets Much Needed New Face – IOTW Report

Man Gets Much Needed New Face

26-year-old Cameron Underwood suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the face two years ago. After 18-months and three skin grafts, Underwood became the second person to receive a face transplant by New York University Langone Medical Center. More

15 Comments on Man Gets Much Needed New Face

  1. Yeah, me neither. I am curious though, if he shot himself in the face whilst “cleaning” his weapon or if he was simply done with life…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I was sitting in a bar with a buddy, a strip club actually.
    This guy comes in and sits at our table, right between me and the stage.
    He’s a friend of my buddy, introductions.
    His head was the size of a cantaloupe, not one of those SC field raised Edisto cantaloupe, a little produce cantaloupe.
    Like I said, between me and the stage, Hey Zeus!, his head was small.
    Same thing, miracle of emergency surgery.
    Tried to kill himself.

  3. @ Poor Lazlo…..I had a friend of a friend try the temple shot in the woods of Arkansas. Girlfriend problems. He woke blind and eaten up by chiggers, fleas and ticks. Crawled up to the road after 3 days. He ended up blind but met the women of his dreams in blind school. love is blind….I always heard the 45% nose shot was the most effective

  4. My apologies, fixed the link.

    Underwood suffered from depression, got drunk one night and when he woke up had shot himself in the face. Didn’t even remember doing it.


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