Man Gets Three Years for Field Goal Kicking a Cat – IOTW Report

Man Gets Three Years for Field Goal Kicking a Cat

NBC News

A Texas man was sentenced Tuesday to more than three years in federal prison for kicking a cat “as if kicking a football field goal” in a case of abuse that was recorded and shared on social media, prosecutors said.

Donaldvan Williams, 30, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Texas said in a statement.

He pleaded guilty in October to animal crushing and aiding and abetting in connection with the incident in the parking lot of a Beaumont apartment complex on Oct. 15, 2021, according to court records. More

Another man, Decorius Mire was also charged and found guilty under the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act. Mire got 18 months to think it over in prison. Here

20 Comments on Man Gets Three Years for Field Goal Kicking a Cat

  1. Beaumont, Texas used to be much different than it is today. The south end of town was a fantastic place to raise a family back in the day. Back in those days, the south end of Beaumont had its own separate school district. It was one of the richest school districts in the nation because of the revenues from the oil and petrochemical industry. If you were crazy enough to enter the south end of Beaumont today, you’d better be armed to the teeth and expecting trouble. The city has gone to hell in a handbasket. Nobody in their right mind would have their kids in Beaumont schools. The school district is so corrupt, it was taken over by the state a few years ago. Many of the people running the schools, all black, went to prison but not nearly enough were caught. The current black, female, DEI superintendent just paid a friend of hers to give a motivational speech to teachers in the district for the sum of $75,000. Beaumont is a burning, rotten, stinking hulk of its former self. In 1973, Beaumont had a population of 121,000. Today, it is 117,000. The schools under the leadership of uber-corrupt, black racists is why. A lot of great people came out of Beaumont in the past. Harry James, Tex Ritter, Johnny and Edgar Winter, L.Q. Jones, George Jones, Tracy Byrd, Mark Chesnut just to name a few. Today, the school system is about 70% minority. The while people were forced to flee to outlying communities because of the corruption and crime. Many of the feral people from New Orleans settled in Beaumont after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. It changed the city forever. What a shame. Beaumont used to be a great place to work and raise a family. Those days are gone.

  2. Cruelty to animals is the most reliable indicator of a psychopathic or sociopathic personality. I do believe there is a special section of Hell for unrepentant animal abusers — especially for cruelty to pet animals, which are so reliant on humans for their needs. It makes me sick when I see these stories.

  3. @ L’ll ano SATURDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 2024, 16:40 AT 4:40 PM

    It used to be, but these days it’s something to be celebrated as a right of passage or to advance one’s standing in progdom. There are two America’s.

  4. 30 is a bit old to be doing that kind of dumb shit.
    Drunk? Stoned? Just plain psychotic?
    AND the two maggots set the kitty on fire!
    AND the two dumb asses videoed it!

    40/18 months isn’t enough for these two.
    (I wonder why there weren’t pictures of the perps?)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Claudia

    I’m with ya. I hate animal cruelty. Enough so that I gave up meat. I’m not on a soapbox here, it was my personal decision to 1. lose weight (it works), and 2. I saw a video of a poor cow who refused to go further in the line at a butchery somewhere in in Chicago I think. She was smart enough to know what was going to happen and she fought for her life valiantly. It impressed me.

    On the other hand I do eat fish. Someone told me that fish suffer pain when they are caught, so giving that up is on the table for me if that is true. There are other sources, like milk, eggs, cheese, and so on. I may switch completely to a non-kill type of diet.

    Maybe those two sick-in-the-head idjits in Texas wanted to grow up to be Haitians.

  6. Agreed, AbigailAdams and Claudia.
    These horrible stories of animal abuse are very painful to hear and a lot to deal with. Illegals committing these crimes on American soil is reprehensible.

    Here’s a scripture that confirms God hates cruelty to animals;
    Proverbs 12:10 The Holy Bible EVS
    “Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast,
    but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.”

    A person who is cruel to animals is bound to be just as cruel to people. So by default, any unrepentant Godless behavior targeting God’s creation qualifies for a hot eternity in Hell.

  7. @Tim Buktu- oh sure but you’ll happily behead an innocent cabbage or skin a carrot alive and think nothing of it. you monster.
    just kidding, I’ll eat your share of meat. glad the diet change is working for you. I consider meat to be a more efficient way to get my vegetables.
    as for the cat killers, give them the same treatment before letting them go.

  8. @Sapper Chris

    You are right my friend. It’s really tough to skin potatoes. They have eyes and they’ll look up at me with tears coming down, imploring me to have mercy.

    I tell them, sorry fellas, I’m just following orders – from my wife.

    As far as eating meat, it’s everybody’s decision to eat it or not. My wife would never give up bacon, for example.

    If I saw someone mistreating an animal to the point of killing it, and if I was armed at that moment, I could very well shoot that person out of sheer rage, hopefully just to wound and not kill. With the laws in California being what they are, I would probably go to prison for it anyway.


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