It doesn’t make it right that they were wrongly convicted. It’s just that many wrongly convicted people are real POS. It’s worth noting because activists like to paint the wrongly convicted as if they are pure as the driven snow. Again, nobody should do time for a crime they did not commit. But some are just criminals waiting to be caught.
Like THIS GUY —>
A man who was previously convicted of murder, and then exonerated only one year ago, is now wanted by police in connection with a recent fatal shooting.
The Philadelphia Police Department is currently searching for Jahmir Harris, 33, who was believed to be involved in a shooting that occurred last month. Authorities are offering a substantial $20,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.
Around 2 a.m. on September 5, 50-year-old Charles Gossett was shot dead by a bullet that struck him in the back of the head. Security footage at the crime scene allegedly captured two gunmen exiting Harris’ vehicle.
Harris was previously convicted of first-degree murder in the death of Louis Porter, 45. On December 23, 2012, Porter was shot in his vehicle in a Walgreens parking lot. More than a dozen shots were fired into the victim’s car, according to WTXF-TV.
“Many Wrongly Convicted People Are POS”
I have no trouble crediting it to Divine Intervention.
Seems like a nice man. We should let him vote a few times, then bring him in for questioning, before issuing him a stimulus check and reintroducing him into society. Maybe a stern warning is warranted.
the reason cops only solve 40 percent of crimes is because the suspects are already in prison…
33 and a complete POS. What an achiever.
PHenry, a stern warning? I think a strongly worded letter makes for a real statement of how serious this is being taken.
Somewhat OT, but if you REALLY want to get pissed, tune in to a little of the Darrell Brooks trial. What a worthless piece of shit. Acting as his own attorney, and he is doing a great job…for the prosecution.
Tony R, you are correct, I’ve been watching because it’s like a car wreck, you don’t want to look, but can’t stop yourself.
It sucks that Wisconsin doesn’t have the death penalty, because that guy deserves to be put in the middle of the road and someone hit him at 55 mph, the fastest they believe he was going, his average speed was like 33 mph. Then they need to back up, run over him again and keep doing that until he is nothing but splattered goo and then let the buzzards clean up the rest.
That bastard calling that mother who all 4 of her children were injured did me in today. Forcing the prosecution to have to ask her, after they were so careful during the state’s case to not call anyone whose family was seriously injured or killed. When he started with his stupid objections, especially the last one, “you’re not a doctor,” while she was telling their injuries. I could have killed him right then with my bare hands.
I know why the judge has been doing what she’s doing, but it has been beyond frustrating and imho he crossed the line a long time ago to keep his ass in that other courtroom.
I blame his mother and the justice system for why he is the person he is, blood is on their hands as well. He should have been in jail, but apparently if you want to be a lifetime criminal, Milwaukee is the place to be, going all the way back to 1999, they repeatedly gave him probation or short jail sentences, no matter how many times he broke probation, no matter how many times he broke bail.
He shot at his own nephew, his baby mama that he impregnated when she was 14 and he was in his 20’s, that put him on the sex offender list and where there is an open warrant for him today, he had punched and ran her over with that same SUV 10 days ago. Yet his mother let him continue to drive a SUV that was legally hers.
A mother that whines his poor childhood, he had an alcoholic father who was abusive to her and she had to raise him on her own since he was 10. Boo freaking hoo, many have had alcoholic abusive fathers, but are not criminals.
The bastard has went from it wasn’t me, my name isn’t Darrell Brooks, sovereign bullshit, to it was that bitch’s fault, if she had not called the cops on me to ya’ll are railroading me, knowing I couldn’t represent myself, didn’t know what I was doing, wasn’t prepared and wouldn’t provide me with standby counsel to all of you are ganging up on me, giving me this white jury, not allowing me to put on a defense.
If that jury doesn’t convict him on all counts, the one causing it should be ridiculed for the rest of their life. I say one, because I don’t see how more than one person could be that ignorant.
I also find it ignorant that juries can’t know about criminal history.
Rant off, but in my defense I don’t think anyone can watch that trial and not become full of rage.
ORWW: Yup. And it really pisses me off that the prosecution can’t bring in his racist tweets that go directly to his motive. But given enough time, the asshole will probably bring it up himself. My wife and I are screaming at the judge to shut him up. And like you, we can’t look away. No death penalty in WI, but with his attitude, he won’t last long in prison.
Yep, that ticks me off too. I saw screenshots right after the POS did this where he said he wanted to kill white people, he was a black panther, numerous blm, pro-Hitler.
After watching the trial though I honestly don’t think it was about killing white people at that time. I think he was pissed because a man stopped him from abusing his baby mama and called the cops on him and his ass knew he was going back to jail. He took his anger out on those people. I’ve seen some attorneys claim they’re not sure they proved intent, I call that bullshit. When you run over a person, you intended to run over them, especially after the first one. No different to me than 1st degree murder.
People like me who is sit on juries, unfortunately there are idiots as well, but from what I understand Waukesha county is a fairly small county, just like those witnesses were determined to do nothing to help him, I don’t see any juror wanting to face their neighbor.
So this guy was at the first shooting, he just didn’t pull the trigger. So he was an accessory.
So the time he spent in prison wasn’t unjust.
Where the BIPOC are, there is where the senseless trouble can be found. Whitey has played along with the whole ‘equality-equity’ nonsense long enough. Not to say there isn’t a thick layer of trash among the melanin impoverished of course, we’re all people after all. It would be appropriate to stop excusing behavior based on skin color, that just encourages BIPOC to release the inner freak more.
Walter, I agree. How many times have we seen these thugs have rap sheets a mile long? All I ever hear is how unfair the justice system is to black people, yet I always see their rap sheets after committing murder and they will have multiple crimes committed while on probation, yet the new crime will get them another probation and if the times they do any jail time it will be a few months.
OTOH, many scumbags never see justice.
OJ Simpson still breathing, Nicole & Ron not.
I’m sure there are many others.