Mark McCloskey may face prison time after defending his home – IOTW Report

Mark McCloskey may face prison time after defending his home

Prosecutor Kim Gardner has apparently decided it isn’t her job to keep us safe from criminals but to keep criminals safe from us, St. Louis homeowner Mark McCloskey tells Tucker on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

15 Comments on Mark McCloskey may face prison time after defending his home

  1. One has to stand for what is right, regardless the consequences; in this case a prolonged court battle…where it will be decided if people can protect their homes (dwellings) against attackers.

    Remember everyone, “I was in fear for my life, your honor.”

  2. Time to secede.

    Go to a state in which you can defend yourself from leftists.

    Where is the right wing to march on the prosecutors home, “No Justice, No Peace!”


  3. So it’s a felony to stand in your yard with your legally-owned firearms? It’s a felony to appear prepared to defend yourself against an unruly mob trespassing on private property?

    Elect stupid politicians, win stupid prizes.

  4. The gov of Mo is reported to have said he’ll pardon them. The AG of Mo says this prosecution will not stand.

    Hopefully they mean what they say and they’re not just a blowhard like Lindsay GRaham.

  5. The left thinks they have already won this November and this is how they act?!? Good freaking grief, it will be the end of the Republic if they win this November.

  6. The BLM/Anti-FA protester were already on Private Property Trespassing When the Property Owners were confronted and threaten and forced to DEFENDED their property and act in their self defense.

    The mob was threatening, and had a well documented History of physical assault, private property destruction and looting.

    The Politically and Racially bias DA needs to be brought up on Federal Charges of, false arrest and indictment, intent to proceed with Malicious Prosecution resulting in the violation of Civil Rights.

    What the help were they doing in the Suburbs other than looking their next victims.

  7. It’s against the law to brandish a weapon offensively. It’s not against the law to brandish a weapon defensively. You’d think that affirmative action judge got into law school purely because of the color of her skin.

  8. What needs to be done to ensure federal charges against a racist like Gardner who would break the law in order to try and get an upstanding white man and woman who had to stand on their lawn to protect themselves and their property from THUGS arrested? Gardner belongs in a cell with no key. She needs to understand that white lives matter. Why isn’t the AG of the US not taking action against her for false arrest, harassment, filing false charges, illegal seizure of firearms, etc., etc., etc. Why doesn’t anyone acknowledge that racism against whites exists and people in professional positions that are racists need to be removed from office!

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