Maryland Governor Looking to Pick Up 175,000 New Voters – IOTW Report

Maryland Governor Looking to Pick Up 175,000 New Voters


Maryland’s governor has pardoned more than 175,000 people convicted of cannabis offences, in a move to address “decades of harm caused by the war on drugs”.

Wes Moore said his executive order marked “the most sweeping state-level pardon in American history” and “the largest such action in our nation’s history”. More

7 Comments on Maryland Governor Looking to Pick Up 175,000 New Voters

  1. “One in three state residents is black. However, state data shows that more than two in three men in prison are black.”

    Why mention this in the article? What’s that got to do with possessing pot?

    “Attorney General Anthony Brown said the “long overdue” move would effectively undo the “modern day shackles” of racial bias in the policing of cannabis.”

    Oh…for votes!


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