‘Mass’ removed from Jimmy Carter’s liver during surgery – IOTW Report

‘Mass’ removed from Jimmy Carter’s liver during surgery


MarkLevinShow– WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former President Jimmy Carter had a “small mass” removed from his liver during surgery Monday, his office said.

The surgery at Emory University Hospital “proceeded without issues, and the prognosis is excellent for a full recovery,” according to a statement from the Carter Center, the Atlanta nonprofit the former president opened after leaving the White House. more

28 Comments on ‘Mass’ removed from Jimmy Carter’s liver during surgery

  1. This is one person (there are several) that I’ll be glad to hear have finally reached room temperature. We’ve got enough anti-Semites on the planet, and this nasty Jew hater has long outlived his usefulness. He was a horrid president as well.

  2. The operation occurred during happy hour. As soon as they cut boehner loose from carter’s liver, he jumped out of the operating room like the Alien out of the chest, and headed for the nearest bar (after stopping by what used to be the people’s house, to kiss o’bumbles ass).

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