Maxine Waters: The Ultimate “low IQ” Collection – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters: The Ultimate “low IQ” Collection

Marxist Maxine Waters’ district in California is not only the worst place to live in America, she has been voted the ‘most corrupt politician’ 4 separate times.

16 Comments on Maxine Waters: The Ultimate “low IQ” Collection

  1. Yeah … “low IQ” … she’s stolen $Billions … you should be so dumb.
    It’s all part of that “Buckwheat” act.
    Sharpton and Jackson are masters of it, too.
    So’s Wilson.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. waters should have to move into the district she represents.
    maxine waters does not live in the district that she has been elected to represent. She, and her bankster husband live in a multi million dollar mansion in a more affluent part of town. As a result, she can not even vote for herself. She does not represent herself- someone else does that. She is nothing more than a mercenary politician.

  3. So I was at a big party this weekend.
    I mentioned that Maxine Waters would head the Congressional Finance Committee if the Democrats take control of the House.
    Banks, housing, Wall Street.
    Pretty important stuff.
    Pretty much NOBODY understood how devastating that will be, if it happens.
    Nobody knows who she is, let alone anything about her.

  4. Waters is reason no. 1 for Federal term limits. In SoCal, she has always been known as corrupt and a buffoon, but the longer she stays in Congress and the more seniority she accrues, the more credibility she gains nationally. But she was a corrupt buffoon 20 years ago, and she is a corrupt buffoon today.


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