Maxine’s Terrorists: Former Clinton Adviser Tweets Bookstore’s Address, Contact Info As Payback For Not Letting Customer Harass Steve Bannon – IOTW Report

Maxine’s Terrorists: Former Clinton Adviser Tweets Bookstore’s Address, Contact Info As Payback For Not Letting Customer Harass Steve Bannon

DC: Former Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines on Saturday posted the address and contact information of a Virginia bookstore on Twitter after the storeowner called the police on a customer who insisted on harassing former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Richmond, Virginia bookstore owner Nick Cooke called the police on Saturday after a woman verbally accosted Bannon and then refused to leave the store, Cooke said. The woman reportedly called Bannon a “piece of trash” before Cooke asked her to leave.

“Steve Bannon was simply standing, looking at books, minding his own business. I asked her to leave, and she wouldn’t. And I said, ‘I’m going to call the police if you don’t,’ and I went to call the police and she left. And that’s the end of the story.” Cooke told the Richmond Dispatch.

Reines responded by tweeting out the address, phone number and email address for Cooke’s Store, Black Swan Books.  more here

12 Comments on Maxine’s Terrorists: Former Clinton Adviser Tweets Bookstore’s Address, Contact Info As Payback For Not Letting Customer Harass Steve Bannon

  1. You have some very fine people on both sides. They may want to contact the store as many did after Sarah Slanders™? was asked by the owner to leave the Red Hen restaurant. For convenience I copied & pasted the store’s ‘Contact Us’ page

    Books are important. And educational. Just like schools. Someone should let the fine people on both sides know the contact information (phone number[s], location[s], name[s]) of Mr. Reines’ children’s schools. In case they want to contact them.

  2. Book Stores are sacred ground (especially old musty ones) and are

    few and far between these days…..Cliff Janeway would have beaten

    that thing to death….

    And if anyone has an old leatherbound “Tamerlane” lying around , I’ll

    give You $10.00 for it..

  3. Poor bookstore owner must be taking serious heat from the hatenazis.

    Dude runs a rare bookstore but ran afoul of the brown shirts because he didn’t tolerate obscenities thrown about in his store. Check out his disclaimer.

    I remember Andrew Breitbart speaking of Bannon’s love of books. When they travelled together Steve packed more books than clothes.

    Guess I’ll head down there. It’s local. Looks interesting. If I run across agitators they’d best not cross me.

  4. @ PHenry – was thinking along the same lines. Trying to troll Bannon in a bookshop is a reverse troll crash and BURN.

    Bannon is looking for knowledge and ideas while these fleas hang about.


  5. PHenry and others living in the local area. Stop by often, and act as the bookstore’s defender and protector. To me, books and bookstores are as sacred as a church. Bints like that who harass people in bookstores need to be pounded into the ground like a tent stake.

  6. I’m going there this week with a thank you note and a shopping list. I love funky old bookstores that sell all sorts of books and welcome all sorts of people.

  7. It’s becoming clearer by the day, who is an American and who is not. Where you happened to be born and who your ancestors were has nothing to do with it.

    Strident intolerant leftists need to be physically separated from this great nation. They are making themselves undesirable and expendable.


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