McCarthy says won’t rip up Biden’s State of the Union speech like Pelosi did to Trump – IOTW Report

McCarthy says won’t rip up Biden’s State of the Union speech like Pelosi did to Trump


JTN: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he won’t be ripping up President Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night like Democrat Nancy Pelosi did when she led the chamber and then-President Trump gave his 2020 address.

Pelosi tore up a copy of Trump’s address on camera when it ended.

“I don’t believe in the theatrics,” McCarthy said in a video posted on Twitter. “I respect the other side. I can disagree on policy, but I want to make sure this country is stronger, economically sound, energy independent, secure and accountable.”

McCarthy and Biden are also engaged in face-to-face negotiations on the federal debt ceiling – with McCarthy demanding spending cuts in exchange for the GOP-led House voting in favor of raising the ceiling. MORE

23 Comments on McCarthy says won’t rip up Biden’s State of the Union speech like Pelosi did to Trump

  1. Not to worry. Biden is poised to make himself look and sound even more ridiculous with this speech…..I can’t stand to listen to this dummbass, yet I can’t turn away. This speech could be epic. Especially if he strokes out and shits himself on live TV….

  2. Remember when Joe Wilson shouted “You Lie!” to the Obamboozler.
    We need someone to shout “You Lie, Malarkey Joe” at the SOTU!

    Either that or float a white balloon with Uncle Xi’s face on it over Jackass Joe!

  3. You mean the speech where Trump basically said, ” we are keeping an eye on this thing from ChYnA.”?

    He was calm, mentioned Coof, & let the public know that he was paying attention rather than ignoring a potential threat while pretending that it was rassiss to question the CCP.

    I remember that just as much as the world’s greatest Stock Picker ripping up a national document.

  4. Anonymous,

    Joe doesn’t wipe his ass. He has people for that. Sometimes even a Doctor.
    Most of the time he just walks around with a nice warm pant-load until his Nanny changes him, powders his ass and zips him back up.

  5. Goldenfoxx – If I wuz there I’d run outta breath calling the old bastard a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, brainless, dick-less, hopeless, heartless, incompetent, vacationing, vindictive, arrogant, imperious, sarcastic, stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, process-circumventing, boneheaded, bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud, malicious, petty, lawless, phoney-baloney, dick-slapped, flat-footed, maladroit, Trump-blaming, Treasury-looting, utterly dishonest, unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, vicious, bed-wetting, pants-shitting Piece Of Shit who has given us with a broken economy, a broken energy system, broken foreign policy programs, broken trust, broken borders, broken Police forces, a broken military, and a severely weakened United States!

  6. I’ll leave it to those better emotionally based to watch. Have talked with two people that seem to think there might be something of note happen and I’ll depend on them to give me a report afterwards tomorrow. Unless he strokes out or something positive like that happens I can wait until then. One can only wonder what drug cocktail he’s being infused with before hand.

    Also, having to replace which ever TV I might watch it on is not worth the cost or grief from the boss who would not be happy with me emptying a full cylinder or mag into it. Although I probably could get it done before she returns from her annual foray down to FL.

    Sarah Huckabee on the other hand might be worth a listen.

  7. Xiden’s State of the Union Address 2023 is so full of lies, misdirection, evil leftist declarations and malicious intent that every printed copy should self combust into flames.


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