Me Not Being Tim Walz – IOTW Report

Me Not Being Tim Walz

These have been showing up on Twitter this last week:

13 Comments on Me Not Being Tim Walz

  1. I should mention the jpeg I posted above came right off the pages of the Feral Irishman. Where he comes up with this shit I have no idea. But I laughed for a good 5 minutes when I first saw it.

  2. Men and women who did the work, from washing socks to the most intense combat, respect. Respect, you did right and right when it was the least desirable.

    Men and women who shined it, scarpered, bricked, evaded, scammed, lied… rot. Rot in your own juice, you, and keep it off the rest of us… whether we served in the military or not.

  3. I pulled a 6 year stint in the Army and got out in 1989. I was a 97E Interrogator and Arabic linguist with knowledge of the Saudi dialect. Also spent two years with a PSYOP unit at Ft Bragg. After discharge I was committed in the IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) until 1992

    And when Sodaam Inseinn went full batshit crazy and invaded Kuwait, I called some Reserve Office and volunteered. I told them I was one of the best Arabic linguists the Army ever had, had extensive knowledge of the culture. I pulled out all the stops trying to get myself over here

    Didn’t make me a hero. I just wanted some meaning in my life. Peacetime Army can be pretty frustrating. You’re pretending to be a soldier. And when a war happens, you’re supposed to be a part of it. And if you don’t feel that way, then your term of service was a fraud

    For some reasons these morons in the Reserve office didn’t take me up on my offer, and I didn’t get over there. But unlike Tampax Tim, I tried


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