Media Humpers – IOTW Report

Media Humpers

19 Comments on Media Humpers

  1. That’s very accurate. Ingraham screwed up big. She needs to pull the gloves off and get back on the offensive. She can start with the story below. And ease her way into Hogg Wild lying his ass off.

  2. Back in the old days some kid would have given this kid a fat lip to shut him up.
    I would bet my last dollar that this little punk has never been told no by his parents, has always gotten everything he wanted, was never grounded and certainly never got his butt whipped.
    I also bet his father was rarely around and when he was wifey wore the pants in the family.

  3. This guy is perhaps one of the least sympathetic characters to arrive in the Left’s lineup. Is he supposed to be their idea of hard-charging masculinity or what? Because all he comes across as — to me, anyway — is unbearably militant and dangerously ignorant. Aren’t these the very same characteristics the Left has tried to paint on conservatives?


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