Media Research Center Files FEC Complaint Against Bloomberg News – IOTW Report

Media Research Center Files FEC Complaint Against Bloomberg News The Media Research Center is filing an FEC complaint against Bloomberg LP – here’s their press release.

RESTON, VA — On Monday, The Media Research Center (MRC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Bloomberg LP, the owner of Bloomberg News, Michael Bloomberg and Mike Bloomberg 2020, Inc.

The complaint maintains that the policy adopted by Bloomberg News to omit investigating Mike Bloomberg and the other Democratic presidential candidates while continuing to investigate Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump potentially is an improper contribution to Bloomberg’s campaign under FEC regulations.

According to FEC law, the “media exemption” that would normally exempt media organizations from federal campaign finance disclosure laws does not apply if “the facility is owned or controlled by any political party, political committee, or candidate” should the organization fail to “give reasonably equal coverage to all opposing candidates.” MORE

5 Comments on Media Research Center Files FEC Complaint Against Bloomberg News

  1. Here is what a stupid fucktard Nanny Napoleon Bloomturd is. By telling his “news” organization to only go after Trump, he handed Trump a massive rhetorical club to kick the shit out of him, because the second Bloomturd tries to wax poetic about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Trump can remind everybody the the midget tyrant Bloomturd can’t even make it thru the first two amendments without shitting all over them.

  2. Sorry, MRC, there will be no investigation. Right now, the FEC can’t do squat, because they don’t have a quorum. They don’t have a quorum because a Bush appointee resigned, and Cocaine Mitch refuses to confirm Trump’s nominee.

    Since Nadler has made it plain that in the next impeachment, Trump is going to be accused of rigging the election he wins. , it might be a good idea to get the FEC functional again. The Dems on the FEC like their toothlessness. The last one they were without quorum was 2008, and we all remember what happened then.


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