Medical Breakthrough! New Hearing Aid Allows Liberals to Hear Arguments Like Normal People – IOTW Report

Medical Breakthrough! New Hearing Aid Allows Liberals to Hear Arguments Like Normal People


NEW YORK (AP) – In a startling medical breakthrough, researchers have developed a hearing aid that will finally allow liberals to actually hear the words other people say when they argue for political positions that liberals disagree with, such as supporting the nationwide trend toward more freedom-friendly concealed carry laws.

“We used to think liberals were just too dumb to realize that mass shootings don’t stop until a someone else with a gun shows up,” said lead developer Hunter Colton, “but new research shows that it’s a simple, correctable medical condition – a sporadic physical disconnect in their middle ear.”

Read more about the LibEARty device Here

(Sadly, this is only satire. One can only hope that science will one day realize IMAO’s dream.)


18 Comments on Medical Breakthrough! New Hearing Aid Allows Liberals to Hear Arguments Like Normal People

  1. yet another spoof “fact checked”….. WTF is wrong with peepul?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Crackerbaby
    MAY 7, 2019 AT 8:43 AM
    “yet another spoof “fact checked”….. WTF is wrong with peepul?”

    …not having a sense of humor is a symptom of mental illness.

    …that’s why the left never HAS one.

    …and that’s why they don’t get spoofs and satires.

    …well, that, and also because you need to be a sentient human being to understand even LIGHT subtlety…

  3. There is a way to make liberals understand. Inscribe what you wish them to hear on a 2×4 and beat them on the head with it. Only a very few will understand but at least you will have made the effort. It’s good intentions that count, right?

  4. Mm.. yeah. That’s why I didn’t link or share them in 3 years. We didn’t need to spread hysterical anti-trump shit when we were trying to beat Hillary.

    Are they under new ownership?

  5. BFH, Frank J. needs a make-over on Trump. He’s come a little ways since 2017 – but he needs help realizing that “this is it” for the country. I happen to know that Harvey thinks highly of this place and all your efforts (and co-bloggers). Don’t know about Frank, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he lurks occasionally. (I signed out of IMAO after 10 years of reading/commenting (and subscribing!) there just because of Frank’s bad-mouthing of Trump right after the election. Considering the absolute evil we narrowly avoided (HRC), I couldn’t stand it. Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaank!!!)

  6. Just wanted to say thank you for the link.

    Frank only posts once a week on Wednesdays these days, and that’s just a collection of the Tweets he’s posted over the last 7 days on Twitter.

    The blog is now about 90% me, 8% Basil, and 2% Frank. Has been for a while. And my satires are now a daily feature.

    You can consider IMAO “under new management”.

    It’s safe to visit now.


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