Meet Biden’s nutty professors giving economic advice – IOTW Report

Meet Biden’s nutty professors giving economic advice

Howie Carr-

How many times have you heard Dementia Joe Biden talk about how his catastrophic economic plan has been endorsed by “17 Nobel economic laureates?”

Sometimes he forgets and says there were 13 … or 14 of these eggheads. But I always figured, the endlessly changing numbers could be explained by the fact that perhaps some of them were so embarrassed by Brandon’s ongoing economic calamities that they were taking on the lam, as they say.

But I never knew exactly who these extinguished, I mean distinguished, professors were. Until yesterday, when The Wall Street Journal printed the names of all 17 of these bounders, in boldface.

Would you care to guess who these economists give money to? You’re about to find out.

The list of their names was beautiful. The only way the list could have been any more perfect would have been if it were put up on a bulletin board at the post office and above every name it said, “WANTED BY FBI.”

As we all know only too well, the Biden agenda is to print more and more and more money and throw it at the nonworking classes who are the Democrats’ core constituency. It’s an … investment, don’t you know.

Because printing money with nothing behind it has historically worked so well in, among other places, the Weimar Republic, Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe or Juan Peron’s Argentina, etc.

The 17 nutty professors wrote an open letter endorsing the intentional wrecking of the American economy in these words:

“Because this agenda invests in long-term economic capacity and will enhance the ability of more Americans to participate productively in the economy, it will ease longer-term inflationary pressures.”

Ease inflationary pressures? Surely they meant to say, “ignite inflationary pressures.” more

9 Comments on Meet Biden’s nutty professors giving economic advice

  1. PhD: piled higher and deeper.

    Nobel laureate: we can’t figure out what the author is saying, but the report is sufficiently thick.

    Oh, and speaking of thick: FJB.

  2. Communist operatives at work behind a curtain of “incompetence”
    If they were truly incompetent they would accidentally do something right once in a while, but they haven’t even done that.
    No, make no mistake about it, they’re hard at work destroying America


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