Memphis Officers Hired Under Newly Implemented Lower Standards – IOTW Report

Memphis Officers Hired Under Newly Implemented Lower Standards


At least two out of of five Memphis police officers charged with murder in the fatal beatdown of Tyre Nichols joined the force after the department relaxed its hiring requirements.

Tadarrius Bean and Demetrius Haley both joined the Memphis Police Department in Aug. 2020, NBC News reported, more than two years after the department dramatically loosened the education qualifications to become an officer.

Recruits no longer needed an associate’s degree or 54 college credit hours to join the force, and could get by with five years of work experience, Action 5 reported.

Loosening the required qualifications however means that the department is ultimately getting “less desirable” job candidates, Mike Alcazar, an adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a retired NYPD detective, told The Post.

“They’re desperate. They want police officers,” Alcazar said. “They’re going through it, they check off some boxes, saying, ‘Ok, they’re good enough, get them on.”


18 Comments on Memphis Officers Hired Under Newly Implemented Lower Standards

  1. It wasn’t just educational requirements that were loosened. It was criminal back ground. Cerelyn Davis has been asked twice now if any of those five officers had a criminal back ground. She refuses to answer.

  2. Gee, and this is what we’re doing with our Armed Forces?
    May not be such a good idea.

    Well, we’ve already done it with the Presidency, the Vice Presidency, the House, the Senate, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the DOJ, the Agencies, the Armed Forces, and the Supremes … so … why not the cops?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In the previous post on this, I pointed out how the village of Lincoln Heights, Ohio lost their police department in 2014 over precisely this issue, having lower standards to get the “right” color officer.

    At that timrme, the Hamilton County, OH Sheriff was able to take over. They were, at the time, in control of a conservative Sheriff and a mostly conservative County Commissioners.

    Now, Democrats took over the county. The same woman who was in charge of Lincoln Heights when their PD tanked is now one of three Democrat commissioners. The County Sheriff is now a lesbian woman who got the job because she’s a lesbian woman.

    And the SO tanked so hard they can’t even maintain a 24 hour jail intake any more.

    ht tps://

    They are also losing control of the inmates.

    ht tps://

    …but they can point to the fact they have a female Democrat lesbian Sheriff, so there’s that.

    Democrats ruin everything.


  4. I still keep wondering if Nichols had a past with one of the officers and it was payback time. Then again, if you get pulled over stay in your effing car.

    Also, I haven’t seen any news, yet, on rioting. So, black on black crime is swept under the rug…just a bit of crying, bitching and blaming whitey. Now, if the officers were white…yeah, I won’t even finish my thought.

  5. “if you get pulled over stay in your effing car”

    Gee, that’s a bit tough when they pull you out of your car and start to beat the shit out of you. Are you supposed to try to crawl back into your car?

    This morning some anonymous clown said it was perfectly OK to beat him to death because he ran away. I’m pretty sure that there is not a man here that would not do the same given the exact same circumstances.

    Honestly, the cover provided to bad cops in excusing truly bad behavior, it’s truly astounding. Nobody, and I mean nobody, deserves what that guy got, and to make excuses for thuggish criminal behavior like this, it has got to stop.

  6. You know, maybe this case is an example of racism as BLM claims. Whitey felt that blacks were not capable of meeting high standards the way whites do so they reduced the standards leading to the hiring of criminally inclined people which resulted in this situation.

  7. The whole “education standard” is a complete joke. I would much rather be partnered up with another cop that only had a HS diploma or GED as opposed to any college. Once the NYPD implemented mandatory college credits its like they started hiring retards. Thank God when I was hired only a HS diploma or GED was required.

    More college less common sense and less real life experience. As long as they don’t own a criminal record give me guys without any college please

  8. @DC

    I get what you are saying but you have swung from one extreme to the other. College is good (not essential) for a number of reasons; increased written and verbal skills, improved study habits-cops need to know a whole lot about the law, first aid, policies and procedures, but mostly, having a college degree implies that you are older, have developed more refined people skills, and have lived longer and experienced more of those “life lessons” that garner empathy, co-operation, team cohesion, and maturity.


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