MI, NC Appeals Courts Order Removal of RFK Jr. from Presidential Ballots – IOTW Report

MI, NC Appeals Courts Order Removal of RFK Jr. from Presidential Ballots


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s (RFK’s) name will not appear on ballots in North Carolina or Michigan following emergency orders Friday from courts in both states, in a pair of major wins for former President Donald Trump.

RFK suspended his longshot third-party bid for the White House and threw his support behind Trump, shaking up the political establishment because of the Kennedy family’s dynastic status in the Democratic Party.

While Kennedy could not win the White House under any realistic scenario, polls showed him with sufficiently high single-digit strength to potentially change the outcome between Trump and Kamala Harris in certain battleground states — including Michigan and North Carolina — depending on which major-party candidate he siphoned more votes from. more


13 Comments on MI, NC Appeals Courts Order Removal of RFK Jr. from Presidential Ballots

  1. I don’t get it.
    He has withdrawn; therefore, he shouldn’t be on ANY state ballot for President.
    He shouldn’t get to pick and choose which states he’s on either.
    He endorsed Trump, so I believe any votes for RFK would be taken from Kamala voters.

  2. Those dumb fuck evil democraps will do anything to keep Trump from winning.
    They hope keeping Kennedy on the ballot that people will vote for him instead of Trump. They will do more after he wins by trying to prevent him from being sworn in. Afterwards there will be constant criminal complaints, bogus law suites and constant treason against our country. They have already tried assassination, what will they do next. A noose is more than fitting for those treasonous bastards.

  3. @AbigailAdams – we are looking into it. We won’t find anything, in fact we will be busy shredding documents… but we are looking into it.

  4. Which were the states that wanted to keep him off & then when he wanted off, decided he had to stay on? One of these or another?

    I mean, can you be any more obvious in interfering?

  5. Dems are in panic mode.
    Kennedy siphoning votes was going to make the cheat easier to explain.
    Looks like Harris will receive more votes by far than even Biden did now. It’s all they have left except assassination.

  6. We really only have two choices at this point:
    1. Put the treasonous bastards in prison (or worse), or
    2. Split the country in two and let them destroy their part while the rest of us thrive, “unburdened” by their cancerous nature.

  7. The 2024 General election ballots in NC have already been printed and were going to be sent out to Absentee (Mail In) voters, Sept 6th. RFK Jr.’s name was on that ballot.
    If it’s removed, based on NC Supreme Court order, it will cost hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to replace them.

    NC has great fair and legal elections operations and processes. They were on track to be the first in the nation to process and mail Absentee ballots until RFK Jr’s change of heart.

    Not sure he would have enough votes to affect President Trump’s re-election, but since KamalMao/Obama will be cheating primarily in blue states it could make a difference.

    The NC state budget is always in the black – mostly frugal legislation. Doubt new ballots will be printed, but it’s very possible even though the NC Supreme Court has a Republican majority.

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