Michelle and her race card make an appearance in Colorado – IOTW Report

Michelle and her race card make an appearance in Colorado


Michelle Obama: Some Americans Never Saw Past ‘My Skin Color.’

[SNIP: Says the woman who can’t see past her own. Shut up.]

Former first lady Michelle Obama decried the racism she says she endured while in the White House, speaking at the Women’s Foundation of Colorado on Tuesday.

In her first public appearance since leaving the White House, Obama told the 8,000-plus audience members attending the foundation’s 30th anniversary celebration that some “shards” from the preverbal “glass ceiling” cut her deep.

“The shards that cut me the deepest were the ones that intended to cut,” Obama said, according to the Denver Post, referencing a West Virginia official who called her an “ape in heels” last November.

“Knowing that after eight years of working really hard for this country, there are still people who won’t see me for what I am because of my skin color.”  MORE

SNIP: I am so sick of these whining, manipulative, overly dramatic liberal women.
Is socialist a skin color? Because in that case, we’re rayciss against that.
And as for the ‘ape in heels’ thing goes-  Yes. You are a Sasquatch in a dress, okay? Who keeps telling you you’re not?
You aren’t feminine like Barry, and you never will be. Deal with it.
Being called names is a drop in the bucket compared to what your husband did to this nation. So shut the fuck up and go spend our cash.

37 Comments on Michelle and her race card make an appearance in Colorado

  1. No we couldn’t see beyond your hammer and sickle shaped noggin and giant prognathic maw you kept stuffing with wagyu beef. Hideous mountain gorilla just can’t shut that thing either.

  2. Your skin color has nothing to do with it bitch. We stood solidly behind SoS Condoleezza Rice while you and your ilk called her every disgusting name in the book. We stood behind L/C Allen West as you and your ilk took him down. Do the world a favor. Put a couple shame bags over your head and disappear. Like Hillary, you can’t admit your mistakes. Hateful shallow little person.

  3. An “ape in heels”? My dear FORMER WH squatter: Who said anything about the color of the ape?

    The obama’s are the most racist people in the country. They led the race war, they fueled the race war.

  4. This is absolutely the last thing I will read about either of those two. It’s like keeping up with an ex-wife. Nothing good comes from it. Trust me.

    America has moved on. 8 years we put up with these elitists, living high on the hog, while they weaponized the government against we the people, called us every name in the book.

    It’s not us. It’s you, koko.

  5. what happened to the good old days when politicians and their families just gracefully faded away to obscurity when there terms were up? And who would care what an ex potus, that dresses in ape costumes from old Tarzan movies, thinks or says?

  6. Mike aka Sassie playing the latest round of the “Victim, victim who the perpetual leftist victim” game. You win Mike. Who can argue people are reluctant to accept a scary creature as First Lady.
    BTW, the only glass Mike aka Sassie consistently breaks is the mirror. Guess it’s no fun getting shards in her fur.

  7. We are so over this self-absorbed, over weight, racist, ego manical, money grabbing, headline stealing, masculine, unmotherly, controlling, betch. Mooooch…your race card is maxed out.

  8. Think of all the outpouring of emotion and sympathy when Harambe was shot. Now grab someone’s kid by the ankle and start dragging it around your luxurious five star vacations and wait for the wellwishing to begin.

  9. Btw, google-image search “Michelle Obama with students” if you want to see who the racist is.

    She also cried about the sexism that women endure everyday.

    “Men, just be better,”
    –Michelle Obama

    So, any projection going on there Michelle?

  10. 24 staff/slaves and she has to shtruggle with what? She hates white people but white people can’t hate her? Socialist’s are all the same, they’re wrong about everything and if you confront them on this they think you’re a hater/racist/fascist

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