Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘A Lot of Things We Need to Change’ – IOTW Report

Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘A Lot of Things We Need to Change’


Michigan state Rep. Matt Hall (R) told The Kyle Olson Show this week the legislature began passing bills intended to restore integrity to the election process.

Hall was chairman of the House Oversight Committee last session and held hearings that featured testimony from municipal workers, former President Donald Trump’s then-personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and counting observers who alleged officials did not follow laws and procedures.

Hall said there were concerns even before the election.

“The Michigan auditor general found that there were many people across our state who were over 120 years old, which is longer than the oldest living person and we found there’s over 300,000 people who were inactive voters who haven’t voted in over 20 years,” he said. read more

12 Comments on Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘A Lot of Things We Need to Change’

  1. Why???
    The next time they need a win, they’ll just game the system again!

    The problem is that there is NO ENFORCEMENT of existing laws!
    Laws don’t matter if there is no enforcement and by that I mean enforcement with teeth! There should be meaningful punishment that hurts financially and includes banishment both directly and indirectly so that these damn crooks don’t get a second chance!

  2. I’m with TRF. Need to follow the example set by Sheriff Cobb (Silverado), “We’re gonna give you a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging.”
    And then follow through with it. Immediately. One appeal, within six months. Then stretch the rope.

  3. If they really wanted election integrity, they had their chance and they hid under their desks.

    This is just another scam by your typical republican con men. Pretending to give a shit about something republicans want.

    I despise them.

  4. Until the people who overstepped their authority and illegally changed the laws to perpetrate this fraud are rotting in prison, Your “Integrity Bills” mean nothing and are a mockery of Jutice.


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