Michigan: Federal prosecutors begin reviewing Democrat Governor Whitmer’s lockdown orders – IOTW Report

Michigan: Federal prosecutors begin reviewing Democrat Governor Whitmer’s lockdown orders

Detroit News.com: Detroit — Federal prosecutors on Monday started reviewing whether restrictions enacted by state and local officials to curtail the spread of COVID-19 are violating citizens’ civil rights and liberties.

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr announced the sweeping measures that followed criticism from President Donald Trump who has sparred in recent weeks with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

On Monday, Barr tapped the top law enforcement officer in Metro Detroit, U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider, to oversee a review of state and local orders — a review that could overturn measures that have included broad restrictions on businesses and other economic activity.


19 Comments on Michigan: Federal prosecutors begin reviewing Democrat Governor Whitmer’s lockdown orders

  1. Guess they’ve been busy … sorting through all that kiddie-porn … all that whiskey … and we don’t want to interrupt their naps, do we?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sometime, somewhere, somehow Mr Barr had better start justifying a paycheck!
    If he can’t hit pay dirt with this, Whitless could wind up gelding him and I’m pretty sure she’s looking for a pair!

  3. And just what will net result be?? Zip, nothing is my guess, not even a hard slap on the wrist. Strange how we keep going down the same road over and over, break the laws infringe on citizens rights and just ignore it…

  4. She’s a tyrant. Reviewing her orders now, when there is about to be a reopening, is similar to Barr having the DOJ review states handling of church AFTER Easter.
    It’s a scam Barr is running. My conclusion is that he’s a pos.


    They used phony models of potential deaths. ==fact
    They are now attempting to count most everyone who dies as dying from the virus. ===fact
    They showed the “mass graves” in new york, which was a scam because the bodies were simply sent there because everyone (funeral homes) was afraid to touch the ‘infected’ bodies, many of which were the above mentioned deaths falsely attributed to the virus.

    The deaths and death rate is roughly the same as the flu. We’ve been scammed. Don’t be swayed by comparing the death rate of the flu to the death rate in New York alone. The death rate of the flu is the whole country and it has to be compared to the death rate of the virus in the whole country. (even though as i mentioned above, the death rate is just another scam)

    When it is all said and done, we’ll find that no more people died this year than any other year, it’s just that they falsely attributed the deaths of other things to the virus.

    If all that isn’t enough, it has also been shown that the ‘flattening of the curve’ bullshit was another scam. The curve follows the same path in countries that locked down and countries that did not lock down.

    Be on the lookout for new bullshit models that will project massive deaths in the second wave this fall.


    The republican party is not going to save anybody. From anything. They are the crooked cops that hold the door and stand lookout for the crooked democrats.
    That is a fact. Put your head in the sand and ignore it, but it does not change the truth.

  5. I got a reply to my email to my state rep yesterday. Here are a few snippets from her email:

    “State law grants broad power to the governor in times of an emergency. As a result, the governor can act independently and swiftly without the legislature. That authority continues throughout the duration of the declaration of emergency, which currently expires on May 1.

    There are two different statutes in Michigan that address executive authority in a time of emergency. Recently, legislation was introduced to remove the outdated and overreaching statute from 1945. The Senate voted on it last week, and it’s headed to the House this week.

    This week, the legislature will debate extending the public health emergency past May 1. I don’t think the governor deserves extended, unlimited power based on the challenges that we are facing as a state.”

  6. Any state “law” that enables a declared “emergency” to violate our rights under the U.S. Constitution is ipso facto null and void and automatically empowers its citizens to the right of self defense.

  7. “Anonymous
    APRIL 28, 2020 AT 8:11 AM
    It’s up to the citizens to guard their pwn civil rights and liberties.

    If the citizens are unwilling to do anything about it then just stay out of it.”

    That, right there, is the problem. People with that view. No, the citizens should not have to do something about this. That’s why the Constitution (with the bill of rights) was put into place.

    The Federal Government’s main job is to protect our God given rights from being violated. I should not have to march on my State capital. I should not have to sue my Governor.

    The President needs to deem these EOs as unconstitutional. If our elected officials do not uphold the paths they swore to, and they don’t respond to a peaceful redress of grievances, what is the people’s next, logical step?

    I like Trump. But he needs to be careful here, or he will be in the same position as Lincoln. Only this time, the house divided may stay divided, and may “perish from this Earth…”

  8. @ aleon

    I’m not. I fully understand that they’re not doing it. That they have not been doing it for decades.

    That’s my point. There’s only one option left after peaceful redress of grievances are ignored.

    But do people understand this? Some do. The majority seem content to roll over and die.

  9. ” No, the citizens should not have to do something about this. That’s why the Constitution (with the bill of rights) was put into place.”

    So how’s that working out for you?

  10. “So how’s that working out for you?“

    Not well. That’s why I said what I said. If the federal government does not stand up against the violation of the Constitution, then the people have no other recourse….


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