Milo: “I do not advocate for illegal behavior” – IOTW Report

Milo: “I do not advocate for illegal behavior”


33 Comments on Milo: “I do not advocate for illegal behavior”

  1. Well Milo, when you make a spectacle of yourself you should have been more careful about what you say and do. Especially if you are looking for acceptance in mainstream America. You lasted longer than I thought you would.

  2. The “right”‘s circular firing squad strikes again. Once the people who want to continue to rule over is put one of ours in their sights, we see the flock of fair weather friends flee. Very little loyalty among “conservatives”. Sad.

  3. Repeat of my post in the previous thread:

    “I’m sorry that CPac rescinded Milo’s invitation. Those of you who didn’t watch his video are the people who are clutching your pearls.

    Everything he said is consistent with how many young men fall into to homosexuality or are groomed into it. He has a lot to offer intellectually, and pearl clutchers are burying him. So sorry for you.

    May God bless you and yours, Milo.”

  4. Gladys, like I wrote in another thread:
    This is NOT about Milo.
    These rabid #NTers will not stop
    until they have destroyed TRUMP.

    THAT is their goal, and
    THAT is why they MUST be
    called out, isolated and destroyed themselves.

  5. Via a FB friend:

    At least his studio took the trouble to look into the allegations.

    CPAC, with its unerring sense of self-important stupidity, decides to cancel and take a giant step in putting out of business the best damned act conservatives have going against the Progs…. WITHOUT LETTING 24 HOURS PASS OR CONTACTING MILO TO SEE WHAT THE HELL THE TRUTH WAS FROM HIS POV

    Matt Schlapp is a nice guy, who has created nothing more significant than an echo chamber for Ron Paul. The doctrinal disputes it hosts are more arcane and less important than a debate on Christian marriage hosted by the usual lesbian Episcopal “priests.”

    I’d like to say I am shocked by this latest screw up at CPAC. The Daily Caller is to be commended by getting something out fast.

    But nothing moves faster than terrified conservatives mau maued by a brilliant Progressive hit.

    Take a bow, David Brock or whoever cooked this up.

    And forget about CPAC folks. It’s been over for years.

  6. my understanding that it was an establishment repub group that outed him on this.

    as if they could care less about family values. they’re the first ones to cave to anything the homos want.

  7. I’m torn on this one.

    On the one hand, I believe homosexuality is an abhorrent sin, a damned perversion that can and does lead to more sexual perversion. I will never condone it. And pedophilia is worse than disgusting. If there is any truth to this, I have no pity for the man….

    On the other hand, I’ve watched some of his speeches. The guy conveys conservatism very well. Even with the occasional perverted comments…..

  8. I’m going on Amazon and buying my Milo book NOW. He needs our support, not ridicule. I am ashamed of for not bannering the gross injustice to Milo and speaking out in favor of him! Milo brought more college kids to breitbart and conservatism than any Rhino could ever dream of. Oh my, I’m upset about this. If you ever heard him speak you’d be upset too. Happy to see all the support for him from most of the I Own The World’s commenters.

  9. Have any pearl clutchers seen the interview where he says sometime he wishes he was not homo. He’s thought of faith conversion therapy. He doesn’t believe a gay home is any place to raise a child. Etcetera.

  10. As someone who associated w/a lot of gay individuals when I was in my 20’s, I can tell you that with maybe some rare exceptions, they are all “damaged goods.” However every time I thought I had come across the exception… given time for them to feel comfortable around me it seems that they all had a compelling need to “spill their guts.” They are pretty much all as screwed up as a chicken-wire canoe and all you have to do is get a little alcohol in them and they will be the first ones to tell you so.

  11. All he has to do is change his name to Lena Dunham. She didn’t just make inappropriate comments, she actually molested a child – her own sister – and BRAGGED about it in her book! Was she dropped by HBO? Shunned by the media? Condemned by Hillary Clinton?

  12. I have seen Milo on video claiming he is not a conservative, that he stands for free speech, that he is against political correctness.

    It’s too bad some of you people want to condemn the messenger, not what he said in those very disturbing tapes.

  13. ^^^^^^^
    You bring up an excellent point. If they manage to take Milo down on this then the Pizzagate stuff should be resurrected and amplified to the MAX, along with anything in hollyweird that includes that stuff. Milo said that he had witnessed it. He should do a tell all.
    (PS – I can’t bring my self to typing your screen name. My hands just won’t do it)

  14. Zonga, it’s uncanny how much this mirrors my counterpoint to you in the previous thread. I assure you I didn’t read this article first.

    We may disagree about one thing Milo said one time. Thankfully, it appears we don’t disagree on everything he says all of the time!

  15. There is some serious short sightedness concerning Milo with a few commenters. Just imagine, Milo supports the right because he knows personally the ravages of a leftist lifestyle. The sexual abused he’s suffered has probably gatewayed behavior he’s may be ashamed of and deeply regrets. Milo appears to be seeking refuge with the right and he is experiencing a gut punch by legalistic conservatives.
    Note to Christians, Jesus accepted outcasts, like prostitutes who submitted to him because they recognized he could deliver them from their emptiness. Milo, a homosexual, is really no different.
    Despite the sand thrown in his face, he seems to keep pressing on, attempting reconciliation with the right. A leftist wouldn’t care and say, “forget it”.
    There’s more than meets the eye, here and despite the outrageous queer act, It may worth the effort to stand by a struggling ally like Milo.

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