Milo says he is no longer gay – what will his husband think? – IOTW Report

Milo says he is no longer gay – what will his husband think?

I guess he’s not getting the attention these days, and has come up with a real attention getter.


Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos declares himself an ‘ex-gay’ who is ‘sodomy free’ and wants to un-cancel ‘conversion therapy’ – but what does his HUSBAND think?

  • The 36-year-old claimed he is no longer gay and likened homosexuality to ‘addiction’ and ‘being an alcoholic’ three years after he wed his boyfriend 
  • Yiannopoulos told LifeSite he plans to dedicate the next 10 years to reviving the widely banned practice of conversion therapy, claiming ‘it does work’ 
  • He said his husband John had been ‘demoted to housemate’ 
  • The British far-right provocateur fanned flames of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment again by hitting out at the ‘Terror of transsexuals’ and saying ‘Trannies are demonic’ 


37 Comments on Milo says he is no longer gay – what will his husband think?

  1. Hhow many women has he dated?

    Whatever he labels himself, the guy is seriously sexually screwed up. Maybe as a result of abuse when he was young. Or maybe not.

    Anyway, Breitbart has tanked since canning him. And I did periodically like his free-speech rants.

  2. Very complicated individual. Highly intelligent, sexually abused as a child or young teen.

    Joseph Pierce’s biography of Oscar Wilde immediately came to mind when I read his book Diabolical: How Pope Francis Has Betrayed Clerical Abuse Victims Like Me—And Why He Has To Go

    I have read pretty much all f Joseph Pierce’s biographies, the one that really was enlightening was his autobiography.

  3. Diabolical: How Pope Francis Has Betrayed Clerical Abuse Victims Like Me—And Why He Has To Go is Milo Yiannopoulos’ book in case my sentence is a bit nebulous regarding who the author I am referring to is.

  4. “What will his ‘husband’ think?”

    Yeah, that’s a problem. When you live an aberrant lifestyle – whatever it is – walking back from that to normalcy presents its own problems. As many people like to say, actions have consequences. Milo’s acceptance/embracing of the homosexual lifestyle had consequences, some of which he was able to monetize. Now as he leaves(?) that lifestyle, THAT decision has consequences, some of which he sees every day in his own house.

    Prayers should go up on his behalf (and for his ‘husband’) that they would see the Light and choose to follow Him. And then find a church that preaches the plain truths found in the Bible, with people that are willing to love them like Jesus loves them.

  5. I love Milo, and even wanted him as Trump’s press secretary (those briefings would have been AWESOME), but honest to God — the drama gets old after a while.

  6. I always liked him except when he had to interject stuff about having stuff in his mouth–Just because I. . . . Maybe he’s found or rediscovered Jesus and that would be too awesome and on to become a conservative icon?

  7. “The abuse took place when the editor was 14-years-old. He says it was consensual and the teacher was the victim.
    Milo Yiannopoulos admitted to having childhood sexual relationships with a priest when he was 14-years-old. He made light of the situation in a 2015 podcast, and that has cost him a book deal and an endorsement.

    The alt-right Yiannopoulos is best known for his reactionary high jinx when discussing the LGBT community, especially trans folk, but it was his comments about pedophilia that sent ripples of apprehension through his supporters.

    In the podcast “Drunken Peasants,” which claims they take current news stories and break them down from an “altered perspective,” Yiannopoulos jokes about how his singing teacher would often engage in oral sex with him, something he says made him better at doing it.

    He says the relationship was consensual and claims that he was the predator, and refused to give the name of the man in question.”

    He is currently 36 years old. He has been most definitely very much defensive in his rhetoric and always impressed me as suffering from PTSD since his early teen years. I hope he gets everything figured out and is able to live a happy and fulfilling life. People react in very confused fashion to PTSD and go with what they think is working for them.

    In his case he has been so confused he doesn’t know if he is afoot or on horseback. Getting attention for his mental acuteness and ability to put forth a tenable argument has been overshadowed by his “outrageous” behavior. Getting attention from others is like a drug, it can take over and he thrives on attention making it especially difficult for him to stay away from it. This has lead to him topping his past statements looking to shock others and that is a real problem.

    Anyway, that is my take on his demons.

  8. We should all rejoice when a lost sheep comes back to the flock, i hope it’s sincere and not the provocateur part of him pleading for attention.

    He won’t lose the LBGT community support just for giving up gay sex, but even hinting that “conversion therapy” is a thing, he is now public enemy number one.

    Milo did yoeman’s work in getting college kids out of their comfort zone. Much like Shapiro with morality and politics, Milo scoffed and ridiculed intersectionality, cancel culture and woke stupidity from ground zero.

    I hope he makes a comeback, both in journalism and on college campuses.

    This little sum up of how boys are mistreated and how women have it made in our society was perfect;

  9. JDHasty, I think your assessment was pretty much on target. I’ve been a fan of his for years and witnessed his “fall from grace”.

    Re: his outrageous statements about pedophilia, I cut him some slack in this regard, I think he was young, impetuous and reactionary when making those comments, and I believe he somehow thought this was part of his shtick, to be provocative and boisterous.

    I could be wrong but I think this whole episode has chastened him, matured him, and hopefully re connected him with God. But I still miss the old Milo.

  10. I like him. Not his gay lifestyle he says he had but I always enjoyed listening to him. Alot more honest than Obama ever was about his gay bathhouse Reggie Love lifestyle.

  11. This is not out of the blue. Milo seems to have been trying to leave the gay lifestyle for some time now.

    He’s very accommodating to the Christian guests on his shows and indicated he agreed with their views.

    It definitely won’t be easy walking away from deviant behaviors that are so entrenched.
    Milo will have to rely completely on God for deliverance and guidance.

    It would be a real good idea that the “boyfriend” find another residence if Milo’s serious. Too easy to surrender to temptation.

    Hope this is not a publicity stunt and Milo has accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and has chosen to live for Him – Milo’s eternity depends on it.

  12. “First you say you do
    And then you don’t
    And then you say you will
    And then you won’t
    You’re undecided now
    So what are you gonna do?”

    — “Undecided”, 1938

  13. the fact that he recognized his lifestyle was destructive and not beneficial to himself or others, he turned to Christ and the church. Now the real struggle begins.

  14. I just read (internet, so it just be true) that Milo needs a job bad, a couple million in debt.

    First things first, submerse himself in some serious vagina therapy, disabusing him of any dick sucking remnants he still has, then after that he can work on finding a real wife. I hear Sarah Palin is looking for a new stud………………….I’m joking.

  15. Let’s hope he succeeds.
    I’ve known gay men who hated being gay but thought they were so deep in the life they couldn’t escape.
    His interview sounded a bit like that.

  16. Funny how “born that way” is a way to excuse and accept the homo-fag lifestyle but can’t be used in the media to define the sexes according to what they were when born.

    Will the woke generation force birthing doctors to not verify the sex of a newborn? Yeah, I think that’s coming.

  17. “He said his husband John had been ‘demoted to housemate’”

    Sounds like a wife to me! I guess he’s withholding sodomy until the relationship improves. I really don’t think he’s given up peter puffing.

  18. Milo March 11, 2021 at 2:17 pm

    Being gay has gotten to be a pain in the butt. I’m done.

    God thought the same thing and decided to destroy the blasphemous humans doing the act and even worse acts. Only 3 who survived were Lot and his two daughters. Evidently there was nothing wrong with incest, IMHO, was just as disgusting as Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible is full of wicked stories, and I wonder how long God can put up with disgusting humans. It’s got to be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah these days. Something is going to come down.


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