Milwaukee Takes a Million in ZuckerBucks Before They’re Banned – IOTW Report

Milwaukee Takes a Million in ZuckerBucks Before They’re Banned

Just the News

Milwaukee has accepted more than $1 million in “Zuckerbucks” — the injection of private money into public election administration — just weeks before Wisconsin residents will vote on whether to ban such funds. 

The city of Milwaukee, which previously accepted “Zuckerbucks” in 2020, has received a new form of the private funding over two separate grants just weeks prior to Wisconsin voters deciding whether to approve a state constitutional amendment banning “Zuckerbucks.”  More

4 Comments on Milwaukee Takes a Million in ZuckerBucks Before They’re Banned

  1. OT. Way OT.
    Any body watching the Sean Pea Diddy shit going on right now? The thugs are after him. Accusing him of child trafficking. Don’t know the guy. If it’s true just shoot him. But Newsmax is reporting they’re after him because he’s and influential black man that supports Trump.Anyway, apparently they’ve raided all of his property but he escaped on his jet to the Caribbean. I think I know how this will end up. And it ain’t good for Pee Diddy.


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