Minnesota Police Union President to Retire, Says ‘Our Noble Profession Has Been Demonized’ – IOTW Report

Minnesota Police Union President to Retire, Says ‘Our Noble Profession Has Been Demonized’

Virginia Star:

Minneapolis Police Union President Lt. Bob Kroll announced that he intends to retire at the end of January in a letter to union members, The Star Tribune reported.

Lt. Bob Kroll, 58, said he originally planned on retiring in May, but that he decided it was in his family’s best interest to retire sooner, according to The Star TribuneKroll attracted attention in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes.

“Most difficult for me as I made this decision was to see how our noble profession has been demonized,” Kroll wrote in the letter obtained by the Tribune. “The toughest part of the job was witnessing the scrutiny and criticism [we] as professionals have endured from those who do not walk in our shoes.” read more

8 Comments on Minnesota Police Union President to Retire, Says ‘Our Noble Profession Has Been Demonized’

  1. I’m at a loss for words. The conclusion of “Betrayal” keeps resurfacing in my mind. I feel that we did not take the deep state seriously enough nor did we understand the depravity of our nemesis.

  2. The problem is Trump supporters were supporting the blue and there many times they turned on us in cities across the country including DC and every place they have enforced unconstitutional mandates for masks, amount of visitors at your home, and business / church closures or protected Antifa/BLM over their victims. Frustrating when we hear them claim they are demonized when they protect the people demonizing them or enforce their unconstitutional BS.

  3. The really, really, ironic part is….If there were no Dimocrats….We wouldn’t

    need a Police Force…..A couple of Traffic Cops and that’s it…Of Course

    Locksmiths would go out of Business overnight…

  4. Shoulda kicked the rats off the force instead of covering up.
    Cops and the judicial system have a lot to answer for, but the blue collar types seem to be the only ones called down on.

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