Miss America – IOTW Report

Miss America

Let’s go by decade and find who we think is the prettiest Miss America, and then pit all the winners of each decade against each other and find out who iOTWreport thinks is the prettiest Miss America of all-time.

First up- the 1970s

Thumb up the girl you think is prettiest in the comments. We’ll close this one at 3pm et tomorrow.

75 Comments on Miss America

  1. Frankie, you lied back in 1933 when you said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Obviously, you weren’t in Atlantic City when you made that speech. Aaargh!.

  2. I saw them when that album was out. My GF wanted to see them.

    In a Jr High gym with about 75 other people in Wisconsin. Shit, there were more people seeing bar bands in the area. Maybe would’ve had a bigger crowd if they served alcohol.

    It was a bit embarrassing, “Lady” was more appreciated by the small crowd than anything on Grand Illusion.

    I think they were over played on the radio back then. A small step above the barf inducing Rush 2112, though.

  3. Oh no you did not just link that F.D.R. in Hell. LOL!

    BigFurHat. Is there any way I can get notifications in my inbox whenever F.D.R. or Eleanor posts on your site? I never want to miss a comment of theirs! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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