Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte Raised $116,000 AFTER He Choke-Slammed A Reporter – IOTW Report

Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte Raised $116,000 AFTER He Choke-Slammed A Reporter

DC: Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte pulled in $116,000 in campaign donations on the day of his election, hours after he assaulted a Guardian reporter during an interview the night before.

Many expected Gianforte, who was running to fill Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s vacant house seat in a May 25 special election, to lose after he grabbed Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs by the neck and threw him to the ground.  more here

8 Comments on Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte Raised $116,000 AFTER He Choke-Slammed A Reporter

  1. That’s because Gianforte fought back!

    I was listening last night to D’Souza’s speech at one of the colleges (can’t remember which, since he’s made so many for the YAF campus groups this year), in which he compares Trump’s style of conservatism to, say, National Review’s style of conservatism, and argues that Trump’s is more “native”, a more practical and real conservatism born of experienced, street patriotism. He goes on to say something I thought was rather surprising, that “We (meaning the National Review crowd) need those Trump supporters” because “they are willing to engage (fight back against) the Left, the anti-fa’s. He said that Trump supporters are thoroughly conservative in their worldview, but have shed — or adapted — their innate conservative reserve. He added, “There’s nothing more effective in fighting bullies than to go up to them and give them a good kick in the shins.” Gianforte did exactly that. And it was effective.

    Trumpsters don’t cower and plead for the Left to not hurt us! We’re taking the fight to them and winning.

  2. Choke-slammed? Really? Why not “eviscerated” or “jammed his huge hairy man-fist down the poor twink-reporter’s throat and jerked out his heart and lungs” or like the Predator movies where the hapless victim has his spine pulled out?

    Granted, had Greg done any of those he would be positively awash in contributions. But I hear he’s not doing too badly as it is.

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