Moron celebrity tweaks/tweets the President live on TV – IOTW Report

Moron celebrity tweaks/tweets the President live on TV

Jimmy Kimmel, host of the Oscars, tweeted at the President in a taunting and disrespectful way live on television.

President Trump did the best thing ever –  he did nothing.

Donald Trump is the president, he must remember that. He is more powerful and important than someone that spends time punching down at the likes of a Jimmy Kimmel.


19 Comments on Moron celebrity tweaks/tweets the President live on TV

  1. “I want to say thank you to President Trump… remember last year when it seemed the Oscars were racist?…”‘I want to say thank you to President Trump… remember last year when it seemed the Oscars were racist? That’s gone, thanks to him.”

    Nah, bro. It’s never gone. Even when hour trying your damndest to make Trump seem racist.

  2. So, last year the Oscars were perceived as racist. This year, apparently the primary criteria for the awards was race (followed by the celebration of mental illness). Got it.

  3. I’ll crank the organ grinder; you dance.

    I don’t really care where you stand on issues. Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren’t real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world. Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again.

  4. i think that short clip of a gaggle of no-value-added arrogance surrounding the incompetent warren beatty said it all

    while the world burns out of control from socialist, open border governments, the confused cluster of conceited, confused celebrities was the comedy of the century

  5. Come on, what did you expect? He knows his audience, and plays to them perfectly. Moonbats eat that crap up, and he would be a fool to ignore it. Just another reason not to watch these idiots give themselves participation trophies.

  6. Hell, Trump should have answered by asking just how many “awards” shows to the Hollywood crowd need? He could have listed out as many of them as he could (Golden Globes, Oscars, SAG, People’s Choice etc etc) and ask Kimmel that since his audience is made up of Hollywood maybe they could vote with applause on the ones they’d don’t need. That could have been fun.

  7. now that’s clever comedy writing right there.

    just wait until the next awards show and see what he wins for that bit.

    people will still be laughing their buts off over that joke next year it’s so clever.

    probably be talked about for the next century or more I bet.

    never to be outdone in out lifetime.

  8. The sad part is these Hollywood celebriturds live in their own myopic existence not realizing that the people that exist outside that space are responsible for their paychecks (movie and concert tickets, cd sales etc…)

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