Mr. Pinko says: See Something, Say Something … Unless – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko says: See Something, Say Something … Unless


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11 Comments on Mr. Pinko says: See Something, Say Something … Unless

  1. “See something say something “. So Russia.
    Tell me, when Reagan and (help me out here) were signing those deals to converge the U.S.
    withe U.S.S.R., do you think that was a step that would move toward freedom and prosperity, or not?

  2. I haven’t heard this angle, but it may be out there. Maybe dad is taking Bomb Making 101, and the little rascal, not knowing what it is, took dad’s homework to school to show folks. Kind of like when kids show up at school with their parents dope or pistol.

  3. If you see something, say something. * Terms and conditions apply, not valid on all 50 states, you agree to hold the federal government blameless in the event that lives are lost. Ask your doctor if great bodily harm will affect you.

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