MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Proves He’s A Complete Idiot – IOTW Report

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Proves He’s A Complete Idiot


MSNBC’s Chuck Todd shows he knows less than nothing about the inalienable rights we Americans enjoy, given to us by our Creator.

12 Comments on MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Proves He’s A Complete Idiot

  1. He is just another God less commie bastard. And dumb too.
    Hey Chuck, stand here against this wall, last words he will hear. He does not know how this story ends.
    We do.

  2. list the rights given by God then list the rights given by government.

    some people love to be told what to do.
    it’s genetic, left over from when the annunaki created us to mine their gold for them.

  3. Unalienable v inalienable:

    Can’t remember, now, who I recently listened to (Prager, Carolla, D’Souza, ?) who explained the slight difference between the two words, but it’s not trivial. Unalienable, meaning not even the beneficiary of the right can assign, transfer, sell or give away that right because it is from/of God.

    Is this another “freedom ‘of’ versus ‘from'” trap? I don’t think so. It’s probably just people being lazy, but I’ve been hearing “inalienable” a lot lately and wanted to set the record straight. Our Declaration states “unalienable rights.”

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