Muhammad Ali Funeral Turns Into Democrat Party Infomercial – IOTW Report

Muhammad Ali Funeral Turns Into Democrat Party Infomercial

Politistick: Shamefully and disgustingly, the funeral of recently passed boxing legend Muhammad Ali turned into an infomercial for the Democrat Party, as progressive leftists were trotted up to speak — one by one — to push an anti-American agenda that sounded like one of Bernie Sanders’ or Hillary Clinton’s campaign speeches.

Yes, it was supposedly an “interfaith” ceremony, but the “religious leaders” selected to speak dropped their faith and seemingly replaced it with Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

For example, Rev. Kevin Cosby of St. Stephen Church of Louisville, Kentucky, Ali’s hometown, ripped both the U.S. Constitution and The Star-Spangled Banner as — you know what’s coming — racist.  MORE

10 Comments on Muhammad Ali Funeral Turns Into Democrat Party Infomercial

  1. Dear black people,

    Please vote Democrat so we can import tens of millions of Mexicans to take your jobs away from you, push you out of your neighborhoods, and use up all the public assistance dollars you currently get.


    [Fake] Hillary Clinton.

  2. Deja vu all over again for those of us that started watching a memorial service for democrat senator, Paul Wellstone, in 2002 and suddenly, a raucous, leftist political rally broke out. Here’s a 45 second clip showing the sincere grief among the political scum that were “memorializing” poor Paul Wellstone – not altogether unlike the Ali “memorial” today.

  3. It’s about 74 years too late for that traitorous muslim negro to depart this earth.
    I hope he is shaking like an out of balance washing machine in hell.
    Good fucking riddance!
    Should have taken Sharpton and Farakaan with him.

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