Muslim Has Tirade Over a Woman Putting Feet Up On Train Seat – IOTW Report

Muslim Has Tirade Over a Woman Putting Feet Up On Train Seat

I don’t like people putting their feet up on a public seat either, but the Muslim made it about Islam rather than a scold for a breach of general etiquette. And while the Muslim was in full throat about how this disrupts his praying to Allah, along comes a eurofag who says to the guy, “I 100% agree with you and she’s not worth arguing with.”

This, this right there sums up effete progressive failure.
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Ruby Butler, the woman arguing in the video, shouted to the man as he was leaving the train, “this is not a Muslim country!”

Yet, Ruby. Yet. With guys like the eurfag above it will be a Muslim country within a decade.

Click more for pictures of Ruby. This might be the real underlying reason this Muslim went off like he did –



33 Comments on Muslim Has Tirade Over a Woman Putting Feet Up On Train Seat

  1. Just to provide a little background. Showing the bottom of one’s feet to a muslim is considered to be a grave insult. It’s the equivalent of mooning them. That just shows you how PC only works one way. Because if it didn’t someone would tell the muslim, “hey chill out, we don’t consider that an insult and you just need to accept it”.

  2. If somebody had cold-cocked that goat humper, the eurfag would have told the copper who.
    Yeah, it wasn’t the feet, it was the package, not enough plain brown wrapper for the mudslime.

  3. Leave it to a Muslim homosexual (100% of them) to attack a sexually attractive woman. If they would only admit what they are (homosexual) then maybe they would die off. Don’t be misled by ISIS chucking homos off roofs. They are ALL homosexuals. Muslims are straight queer. They LOATHE women and regard them as dirty. The Eastern hemisphere in general. Koreans, Muslims. They hate women.

  4. I realize he was trying to defuse the situation and just tried to say something, but certainly gave up quickly.

    What’s needed is a manly guy (or 2 of 3) to face off with the guy and point a finger at him with a firm message of knock-it-off-now. They probably wouldn’t do this in UK. We are different in America, for now anyway. (Show ’em your feet America!)

  5. Heh, war story my dad would tell: Iraq 1942
    They caught a thief, he wouldn’t talk when asked about accomplices, no matter how they tried to ‘persuade’ him.
    A Brit officer came in, bent the offender over a table, pulled up the thobe and paddled his bare ass with a shoe. Told them everything they wanted to know.
    The Brits had been there a long time.

  6. Dion DiMucci did a B side called “Ruby” – good tune. As to this Ruby – she looks like a typically self-entitled, socially coddled Brit bird that was shocked anybody would call her out on her lacking social graces. I’ll rate her as a 5+ or 6 – tops – and I’m being gracious.

    That said, I’d’ve defended her Slagness too – just to have the sweet pleasure of knocking out the sodding wog.

  7. One dude stood up and told the Muslim ass that he wanted to take it outside. That’s when the chicken shit wanted to call the police. Typical, bully gets threatened then acts like he is not the bully.

  8. I had two thoughts I’d start off with if I were in her place.

    1) ‘I don’t care’. With a wave off of my hand while I kept on doing whatever I was doing.

    2) ‘Sod off !’. As he kept it up. (With a nod to our Lisl here.)

    A smile would appear and grow larger with every protest accompanied by some foot rubbing on the seat as I smiled at him directly.

    Maybe end with a few ‘I’ll stop when you sod off and STFU’.

    Of course I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    I’m friendly like that to a-holes.

  9. Looks like Ruby and the other brit guy are the last 2 men in the UK.

    Better throw those sodomites out before it is too late! Because I have news for you brit bastards…the YANKS aint comin’ again!

  10. Your post is very on target.

    Exactly, what is there to save over there now?

    Goodbye England.

    You were cool for a while but you committed suicide.

    You could have prevented your own demise, but you brought it on with open arms.

    We have to deal with the same thing now.

    Will we go down without a fight like England did?

    Not in my neck of the woods.

  11. Muslim praying while trying not to be distracted by Ruby:

    “Allahu Aktits…wait…Allahu Akboobs…no, I meant Allahuha…Allahu Aktwat…ENOUGH!!!! DAMN TO YOU INFIDEL WHO HAS MUCH SEXY LIKE GOAT!!!! ENOUGH!!!

  12. after reading hundreds of bits of news a week, don’t remember where it comes from, but blair and others (look at milibands company in NYC that “demands” America take in some 80-100K syrians, etc.), admitted that they welcomed this diversity bullshit into GB just to rub the noses of the staunch, white, Christian conservatives
    Below average Britain’s present condition is
    very remeniscent of kruschev’s warning about to America’s communism by incremental socialism – “wake up some day and realize that you’re communist and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
    maybe i read it at breitbart or frontpagemag.

    Camerons no conservative, just a bit to the right of the (self-hating) flaming libs – gordie, ed, red ken,etc.

    easily 15 years ago, there was a book in my favorite library called ‘1912?-1965, from empire to welfare state, it hit me that i didn’t really have to read it… incremental socialism and nationalizing the private sector => state capitalism, china

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