Muslim ‘war criminal’ now working security at Dulles International Airport – IOTW Report

Muslim ‘war criminal’ now working security at Dulles International Airport

Relax! He passed a background check!

JihadWatch: “Anything to declare? Somali ‘war criminal’ is now working security at Dulles International Airport,” by Zoe Szathmary,, June 1, 2016 (thanks to Cecilia):

An airport security guard allegedly carried out war crimes against the Isaaq clan during the Somalian civil war.

Yusuf Abdi Ali is a security guard at Dulles International Airport in Virginia – and previously was a Barre regime military commander, CNN reported.

A producer from the TV channel asked Ali what his name was at the airport.

During the conversation, the producer said: ‘Yusuf Ali?’ and the guard was filmed saying: ‘Yeah.’

The producer then asked Ali: ‘Where are you originally from?’ The guard responded: ‘Somalia.’  MORE

8 Comments on Muslim ‘war criminal’ now working security at Dulles International Airport

  1. How in the world is this foreign scumbag hired over our unemployed military men who have training against islamic scumbags who want to blow up our planes killing American men, women and children??? Fire the treasonous schmucks doing this!!! “GET ‘EM OUTTA HERE!” as Trump would say!

  2. I was just going to send a link to this story from creeping sharia and figured I should check the front page first. You guys (and gals) are always way ahead of me.

    It’s like living in a nightmare world these days, knowing that the Left is intentionally promoting such treasonous hiring practices and such.

    Now I’m going to have to lay down and see if I can get rid of this fckn headache. Goodnight.,

    * Preexisting headache, not headache from the article. Waiting on a call from a neurosurgeon. it’s taking too long.

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