My Word, She Looks Deranged – IOTW Report

My Word, She Looks Deranged

23 Comments on My Word, She Looks Deranged

  1. Funny … she didn’t mention any of those “trailblazers” by name.

    The simple fact of the matter is that fags (and all the other assorted perverts) have the same rights as everybody else. The Bill of Rights makes no distinctions on the basis of pervertedness.

    But, of course, that adds nothing to “Divide and Conquer.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. What they really want is to be free of people’s negative opinions by denying the right to hold them.

    Sorry kids, read the 1st Amendment to The Constitution.

    And let me know when you’ve grown up.

  3. In America you get tolerance. Not acceptance.
    If I am at a parade and a gay assed float goes by, I will not hurl insults or light it on fire. That’s tolerance.
    That is ALL you get.
    Acceptance falls under the pursuit of my own happiness and that is no one’s business to tell me what things I must accept as good and proper.

  4. My daughter won two blue ribbons at her school band’s solo and ensemble competition. This is her first year playing flute. Regardless of what anyone else thinks or if anyone else cares, I am proud of her and what she accomplished.

    THAT is pride.

    Gay Pride, on the other hand, is not pride. It is the extortion of validation and acceptance from others.

  5. Complete fool. She already has the sodomite, pervert, AIDS, porn, pedophile, necrophilia, and bestiality votes locked up. Why does she think she has to openly support them? This is going to cost her votes, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  6. It seems that many if not most (d)s simply do not understand basic math. How is it that they can imagine that gaining the support of, at most, 1-2%, including the various and sundry “trans” types, the voting US public is going to push them over the top?

  7. …it must be a problem for an actual woman to dress up for a Gay Pride parade. I mean, transvestites are ALREADY dressing as parodies of women in a way that’s practically a sexual Blackface, so the only way an ACTUAL woman could virtue-signal some sort of agreement with deranged men is by going even FURTHER over the top than THEY do, and that ain’t EASY…

  8. When you strip it all down to brass tacks it’s only, “I’m so proud to swallow a sword while shootin’ sperm up Bruce’s pooper at the same time!”


  9. If only Lorena Bobbitt would show up and deliver a round house *unt *unt to this portending turd,,,
    Things may be alright in the universe again,,
    One day,,,


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