Nantucket Falls Victim To Panic-demic – IOTW Report

Nantucket Falls Victim To Panic-demic

Fox News

A COVID-19 outbreak in Nantucket has its wealthy residents turning against each other — with some resorting to trying to “rat” out those defying public health rules. 

The attempts to take matters into their own hands in the tony Massachusetts enclave came amid an “astronomical” rise in cases following Thanksgiving, the Daily Beast reported. 

“I get rat phone calls where people will be like, ‘I know that so and so is positive, and they’re at work and they’re driving around without a mask,'” Elizabeth Harris, a nurse at a Nantucket hospital tasked with investigating cases, told the outlet. More

34 Comments on Nantucket Falls Victim To Panic-demic

  1. There once was whore from delaware
    who married a dope with no hair
    In a park he fucked her
    then she became a fake doctor
    she’s still married to the dope with no hair

    I’m tired. I can’t concentrate. lol

  2. There once was a man from Nantucket,
    Who floated to Martha’s Vineyard by bucket,
    He paddled ashore and went up the stair,
    And told the Obama’s to fuck it.

    (And their little dog, too.)

  3. There once was a place called Nantucket
    Where the smallest violin’s strings were heard once you plucked it
    The neighbors they’d rat
    At the drop of a hat
    They deserve BLM there to really raise a ruckus

  4. There once was an old fool named Biden
    Who spent half his life in hiddin’
    They told him, “Joe,
    you put on a heck of a show.
    Now China’s here, expecting into the White House you slid them”

  5. Jill Biden, she was there catchin’ it in her hat…
    She polished up Joes olde tomes…
    and decided they weren’t good poems…

    So, she headed out behind the barn…all dressed in pink….
    And then she made the medias fingers all fuckin’ stink…..

  6. Conservatives fumed in dejection,
    After Democrats stole the election,
    Old Joe was a joke,
    But after he croaked
    We went back to a half-black cocksucker

    Of erections

    That works, right?

  7. Jill and Joe flew to the Azores…
    Where Jill’s cooter got covered with green sores…
    The dogs in the street, ate the green meat…
    That retuned from Joe’s molars…..

  8. Where’s that BFH meme that pictures a little girl who says, “My little brother ate all the Scrabble tiles and now his poop makes more sense than these comments.”?

    Just kidding. Happy New Year everyone. 🙂

  9. Nantucket is gettin the flu.
    And the locals are all feeling blue.
    Tis the newbies they said who are starting the spread.
    Catch em fast put em back in the zoo!


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