NASA calls out Goop for false advertising over ‘healing stickers’ – IOTW Report

NASA calls out Goop for false advertising over ‘healing stickers’

This time, Gwyneth Paltrow pisses off NASA.


NASA called out Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop over false claims about its ‘healing stickers.’

Goop posted to its website that their ‘healing stickers’ are “made with the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits so they can monitor an astronaut’s vitals during wear.”

The website claims that the stickers are:

“pre-programmed to an ideal frequency” and “promote healing” by tackling “imbalances.”

NASA responded in an interview with CNN that they do not use carbon material to line its suits, and that its current spacesuit has no carbon fibers in it at all.

Goop later said in a statement that its recommendations and advice do not constitute “formal endorsements.” The website has since removed the NASA mention from its original post.

The ‘healing stickers’ are $60 for a pack of 10.

13 Comments on NASA calls out Goop for false advertising over ‘healing stickers’

  1. You know she sounds like a ditz, the mentally challenged spawn of Hollywood stars with an IQ that would usually indicate far too close relations between a sister and her brother however her website is a success and she’s probably making a packet of money off stupid, stupid people. Money that will keep her in Cabana boys long after surgery failed to stop her boobs from bouncing off her knees when she walks or her butt cheeks drooping so low as to leave a trail wherever she goes which is probably a good thing because at some point even the well compensated cabana boy is going to quit looking for her when she wanders off and they have to bring in professional search teams and that’s assuming the dogs don’t take one sniff of her underwear and run yelping off into the hills.

  2. On a scale of one to ten. Ten being really well known. Where is she. I assume she is on tv or a movie person. I’m not sure who she is.
    She is probably a minus 50.
    Trump would be a ten, he is well known like him or hate him.

  3. If Pepper is gonna peddle these New Age pseudo-tech gizmos, she ought to get an endorsement from Stark Industries. Slap a pic of Tony Stark on her advertising.

    Paltrow should get that included in her next Iron Man movie contract.

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