National Review Online Mouthpiece Says “without question president Trump tweeted out a racist ad” – IOTW Report

National Review Online Mouthpiece Says “without question president Trump tweeted out a racist ad”

What in the hell is wrong with these dopes at NRO?

What makes the ad racist?

The president believes we ought to be able to pick and choose which people have the privilege to be an American. The president believes there are bad people in the caravans. The president is correct. In fact, Mexico pulled people from the caravan and deported them because they were bad people.

How is the ad racist, and why is this idiot siding with the democrats?


9 Comments on National Review Online Mouthpiece Says “without question president Trump tweeted out a racist ad”

  1. I quit my National Review subscription some years back and have not regretted it. They lost their way after WFBjr passed.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Hey NRO, why don’t you see if you can get Bracamonte on a work-release program to be a steward on your cruise ship? That would really shame us racists, wouldn’t it?

  3. NRO has always been a “progressive” GOP mag. The original Buckley was opposed to Ronny in both ’76 + ’80 primaries. He was strong for Ron after the convention, But he firmly believed”The government can solve all our problems.” the opposite of both Barry and Ron.
    NRO is simply being consistent. They still want a UNIPARTY GOP President; naming names: Bush, Kasish, Rubio, – need more? Ask!

    There are many Roman Catholics that believe in “The Mailed Fist of God”; naming names: Pelosi, Byden, JFK (both) – need more? Ask!

  4. Just like the newspapers, periodicals and other publications are controlled by the editors. The writers comply with directives issued by these editors or they don’t work.
    Some writers are just whores and will easily conform, others move on, find work independently or fade away.


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