Navaho Nation Appeals to NASA to Stop Desecration of the Moon – IOTW Report

Navaho Nation Appeals to NASA to Stop Desecration of the Moon

On Jan. 8, a ULA rocket will send Astrobiotic’s Peregrine lander toward the moon. If it lands successfully, Peregrine will become the first private lander ever to reach the lunar surface. The mission will also mark the debut of ULA’s new Vulcan Centaur rocket.

Riding on Peregrine are a wide variety of scientific instruments developed by NASA that will pave the way for future lunar exploration as part of the agency’s Artemis program. But also tucked away on the mission’s manifest are sets of human DNA and remains, which are going up on memorial spaceflights offered by two different companies, Celestis and Elysium Space. More

39 Comments on Navaho Nation Appeals to NASA to Stop Desecration of the Moon

  1. Wut?

    Some more morons?

    Gary Farmer is going to give us some more pearls…

    “- William Blake: What is your name?
    – Nobody: My name is Nobody.
    – William Blake: Excuse me?
    – Nobody: My name is Exaybachay. He Who Talks Loud, Saying Nothing.
    – William Blake: He who talks… I thought you said your name was Nobody.
    – Nobody: I preferred to be called Nobody.”

    Hey, man, don’t shit on the moon!

  2. “I stand with my Red Native Indian brothers and sisters because the Moon is more sacred than the sun, since the Moon gives us light when it’s dark at night, while the sun only gives us light during the day, when it’s already light out”. – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  3. OT, I guess, maybe. There’s a place, I call it a place because it’s not a blog and I don’t think it would be considered a web site, that in my opinion has our current situation nailed. That place is Western Rifle Shooters Association. In years passed classified as tin foil hat wearers. Not anymore. Besides, I’d rather wear a tin foil hat instead of a blind fold. Yada Yada. These guys are nailing it. I encourage everyone to visit this place. They’re focused, moisturized, ad in tune. Best shit on the web.

  4. They could call it the Far, far out tour with all the usual gang of 60’s has been rockers like Pink Floyd, Ozzy Ozbourne, what’s left of the Grateful Dead, Steven Stills, Graham Nash, Neil Young along with David Crosby’s ashes to be interred on the moon forever. I’m sure that the moon men and women will appreciate it before they declare inter stellar war on the Earth for outer space cultural appropriation.

  5. Chief Moon Pie:

    The Moon is our ancestral home. So is Mars. There is a reason Mars is red, the color of our skin.

    The Great Spirit gave us the earth. The moon and Mars and gave Venus to the White man. They should go there.

  6. STFU Navajos, or we’ll sic the Apaches on you. And you all can go back to being their Nava bitches and Nava ho’s

    Its true. My Dad was a Public Health Doctor on the San Carlos Indian Reservation 70 years ago and he witnessed it. Apaches were true savages and Navajos were scared shitless of them


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