Navy to Save Billions on Block Purchase of Carriers – IOTW Report

Navy to Save Billions on Block Purchase of Carriers

Aircraft carriers are the most expensive ship in the arsenal of the US Navy, with the last one, the U.S.S Gerald Ford, costing $13 billion. Like most items that one purchases at Costco, purchasing in bulk saves money. The same holds true for buying new carriers. Democrat senator Tim Kaine of Virginia is very keen on such a deal. More 

With savings upwards of $2.5 billion per block purchase, the nation makes another buy like this and we’ve got ourselves a new wall at the border.

14 Comments on Navy to Save Billions on Block Purchase of Carriers

  1. What’s wrong with retrofitting older aircraft carriers that are mothballed like the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63? It may be old but it’s one hell of a ship and the biggest aircraft carrier that was ever built for the Navy . And besides I’m very partial to that ship and it would cost the Navy a lot less money to put it back into operation. And there still have to be at least a couple or so older Nimitz class aircraft carriers that also could be put back into service, if they haven’t scrapped them. And I also agree we could use some more subs just because. There’s going to be hell to pay if the chinks ever sink one of our aircraft carriers.

  2. Geoff has the better idea. Look at the boondoggle the Ford is. Cost overruns, untested equip failures. Aircraft carriers are cool but are they what we really need? I mean to say the USA has been at war since Cahter. Isnt it time we throttled back a bit?

  3. @geoff the aardvark
    JANUARY 1, 2019 AT 7:38 PM
    “What’s wrong with retrofitting older aircraft carriers that are mothballed like the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63? “

    Can’t do that; it doesn’t have men’s/women’s/transsexual toilet and shower facilities.

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