Needle attacks baffle France – IOTW Report

Needle attacks baffle France

Yahoo: Alarm is spreading on dance floors in France following needle attacks on dozens of young people in nightclubs, with police in the dark as to the assailants’ identity or motives.

The victims, who are mostly women, report the sudden onset of identical symptoms — nausea, dizziness and sharp pain — while out partying, and only later detect a needle prick on their skin, a red dot surrounded by a blue circular bruise.

Returning home from a night of dancing in April in Nantes, western France, 21-year-old Eloise Cornut had a sudden onset of “cold sweat, nausea, shivering and dizziness”.

The beauty parlour apprentice felt better the next day, but a colleague noticed a needle prick in the back of her arm.

“It was a red dot with half an inch of blue bruising around,” she told AFP.

Cornut, who doesn’t drink or take drugs and only goes out at weekends, said she quickly realised that needle attack must have happened during her Saturday dance outing.

Her colleagues urged her to file a police report and get a blood test.

– ‘Totally stresses me out’ –

“I now have to wait five weeks before I can get an HIV test,” she said. “That totally stresses me out.” more

15 Comments on Needle attacks baffle France

  1. …seems like they were trying to jab needles in us ALL for the last two years, the ones on the dance floor are probably less dangerous than the ones Fauci had the Chinese brew for us…

  2. The Frogs’ mandatory vaxx.

    Maricon is pulling out all the stops after his loss to Le Pen (which he stole nonetheless, just the same as Biden did).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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