Never drop out, Eric Swalwell – IOTW Report

Never drop out, Eric Swalwell

Patriot Retort: Yeah, yeah.  I know there are way too many candidates running for the Democrat nomination. But when they do start thin the herd, I really hope that clueless dink Eric Swalwell doesn’t drop out.

In fact, I hope he never drops out.

This guy is the Gold Medal Winner in the Self-Own Olympics. Why on earth would I want him to drop out?

I haven’t been this entertained since “Gilmore Girls” went off the air.

It’s as if every day, Swalwell takes to Twitter and makes an utter prat of himself.

He can’t help it. And every time he thinks he’s handed Donald Trump his ass, the only ass he’s grasping is his own.

You can’t pay for this level of entertainment.

Why on earth would you want him to drop out when he’s supplying so much comedy gold?

His fundraising pleas alone are laughs a-plenty.

Just a while ago, tough-guy Eric sent out this incomprehensible tweet. MORE HERE

SNIP: You guys need to swallow your liquids and set your drinks away from the computer before you go to the link.

19 Comments on Never drop out, Eric Swalwell

  1. Wait, ted Lieu isn’t eligible to run for President? Why, just because he was born in another country? I’m sure the dems could get the Federal Election Commission to approve him as a candidate. It wouldn’t be the first time. Would love to see him as Swallowell’s running mate. Eeeew and Lieu.

  2. Looking forward to seeing little Teddy Lieu again in the Independence Day parade!
    Should I ‘milkshake’ him? Oh, that’s right, I don’t assault people just because I disagree with them.
    I really, really hope he does run for president next time! Lieu/Swalwell 2024 should give Pence/Crenshaw a run for their money, right?

  3. Who am I to judge the democrat field? All i can do is observe. But it has to be in smsll quantities as democrats seem to be hellbent on nominating the most objectionable among them to carry the torch.

  4. As soon as he gets elected, Eric is going to demand to change the name for Monday to Manday. This way when any women criticize him he can call them sexist.
    Then smirk waiting for the applause.


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