#NeverTrump Losing More Steam To Common Sense – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Losing More Steam To Common Sense

Yesterday it was Maggie’sFarm, now DaTechGuy writes that a Hillary presidency is absolutely out of the question. His decision comes after much reticence and trepidation over the prospect of a Trump presidency, but the reality of a president Hillary is, unquestioningly, much more horrifying.

I was confident this would happen, and I expect more and more of this after people see Hillary and Trump debate. The last #NeverTrump people will be the ones with way too much ego. They’ll be the ones who prattle on and on about how they won’t sully their pristine principles by voting for Trump, not at all concerned that their “principled actions” will sully the office of the presidency with a woman who is a vile and corrupt leftist that’s been slithering through the grasp of justice for decades.

That’s all we need, a leftist who feels that they are impervious to retribution, ushered in by the inaction of our fellow conservatives.

The time to block this shrew is now. If you don’t vote for Trump, don’t let me catch you uttering a peep, a whine, or making so much as a pissy face while living under the progressive thumb of a Hillary regime.

5 Comments on #NeverTrump Losing More Steam To Common Sense

  1. I wonder how much of these NT’ers suddenly being able see the light that Hillary is bad actually stems from the fact that – now matter how hard they prayed, whined and insulted – there is no hero out there who will save them from Trump. Save their supposed superior conservative leaning. There is no superman out there ready or willing to usurp the people’s choice, and foolish enough to think he can win against Hillary if he tried.

  2. The FBI and DOJ has failed, as have all agencies of this president.
    Truth and justice from this day forward is a revolutionary act.
    May those who speak, speak the truth positively.
    Trump represents what is good in the US, to say otherwise encourages more deceit, division, favoritism, corruption, lies and ultimate failure of a once great Nation.

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