New Army Report Details More Biden Failures in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

New Army Report Details More Biden Failures in Afghanistan

Townhall: It’s no secret that President Biden’s handling of the United States’ exit from Afghanistan after two decades of war was a disaster. Chaotic scenes unfolded in Kabul as Biden assured Americans that things were stable and a Taliban takeover was anything but inevitable. Now, a new report issued after an investigation by the United States Army provides more details about just how bad Biden botched the job. 

Don’t just take our word for it, even NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell couldn’t conceal the reality of the Army’s “damning new report” that filled some 2,000 pages with information describing Biden’s haphazard withdrawal that “stunned Americans and the world,” first reported by The Washington Post.

As The Washington Post’s report explains, “Senior White House and State Department officials failed to grasp the Taliban’s steady advance on Afghanistan’s capital and resisted efforts by U.S. military leaders to prepare the evacuation of embassy personnel and Afghan allies weeks before Kabul’s fall, placing American troops ordered to carry out the withdrawal in greater danger.” The White House’s lackadaisical attitude was clear in press briefings from the White House’s Jen Psaki, Pentagon’s John Kirby, and State Department’s Ned Price. The danger created by their lack of seriousness, though, became abundantly clear when an ISIS-K suicide attacker detonated a bomb, killing 13 American service members and dozens of innocent Afghan citizens trying to flee their country. read more

14 Comments on New Army Report Details More Biden Failures in Afghanistan

  1. ^^^ Biden and his feckless minions intentionally didn’t follow any of TRUMPS plans.

    It’s rather obvious from the shit we are in today that this admin is clueless on everything.

  2. Our military is in freefall. Biden is doing exactly what his puppeteers did from 2008-2016. Trump sure didn’t help with assholes like Mathis, Milley and Bolten. Surely there’s got to be few hard asses who kept their heads down during Obama.

    Of course when there willful malfeasance like this(
    the slide really accelerates.

    BTW not one Chinese soldier has taken an mRNA injection.

  3. There’s a no win in Afgan, Russia was there for 20 years lost, pulled out. Bush put the US into this, Trump could of pulled us out, but did not. You focks wanna point focking fingers, go fock yourself.

  4. ^^^US won, at what cost? Next one there might be no winners. Money laundering, not quite. Afghanistan is a no win war. Or it’s the forever war. While heroin is the main crop, there is no stopping it. Fentanyl is the alternative? If you have a death wish. We (The United States) are not their salvation nor their saviors. We lost this one!


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