New HOT Housing in San Francisco – IOTW Report

New HOT Housing in San Francisco

Business Insider-

  • The San Francisco Shipyard is one of the last affordable-housing developments in San Francisco. But some homeowners and neighbors worry for their safety.
  • Parts of the shipyard’s planned amenities sit on the site of a former nuclear-testing facility, where the US Navy cleaned ships exposed to nuclear radiation during the Cold War.
  • The US Navy has said the area with existing condos is “100% safe” for residents. But a recent data review found that the area around the new condos may still be contaminated with leftover nuclear radiation.
  • Some homeowners at the shipyard tell Business Insider they fear for their investment and safety after buying condos priced up to $1.5 million, while others worry the timeline for the development’s completion will be delayed.

23 Comments on New HOT Housing in San Francisco

  1. There are many forms of radiation:
    solar nuclear radio. The frequency is
    the key.You start with sound on the low
    end of the spectrum.20 to 20,000 cycles per
    second or Hertz is considered the human hearing
    range.Radio starts in at about 100,000 Hertz or
    100 kilohertz KHZ for short.Microwaves come in at
    the very upper end of the ‘radio’ spectrum all
    the way up to 60 gigahertz or 60,000,000,000 cycles per
    second.After that you go to “light”.Beyond the realm of
    light is the bad stuff! Nuclear radiation. Microwaves radiate but they are not nuclear radiation.See that screen on your microwave door? Looks like some of those microwaves could radiate out of the microwave oven into
    your eyes! {very bad}.Well not to worry,the holes in the screen are cut to an exact 1/4 wave length of the microwaves generated.This acts like a type of filter that
    will not allow the microwaves to leave the oven.Now you
    know just a tease of how the stealth fighter works…

  2. DH was stationed there in 1968, then in Alameda there on. His ship was in dry dock at Hunter’s Point. First of all it is NOT A MIDDLE CLASS neighborhood. Far from it. Even back then, it was known as one of the most violent areas in San Francisco. DH and his buddies would hire a jetty (a converted hearse), to take them into San Francisco. (That’s where we met and here we are 50 years later). 🙂 On the way back to Hunter’s Point and to their ship, the driver of the jetty would say “Okay boys, duck down, here we go!”) The driver would drive like a bat out of hell to dodge bullets flying. See those blacks holding signs in the pic? They are still living in the ghetto even though they were probably the same age as DH at the time. DH was building bombs while they were getting their welfare checks. BTW, those condos are built on sand fill. I wouldn’t trust it if an earthquake happened. There’s already a condo building sinking on Mission St. in SF.

  3. Pussies.
    Probably have twenty psychosomatic ‘diseases’ prior to moving in:
    Gluten Intolerance
    Chem-trails give them ‘symptoms’
    Militant Vegans who hide indoors and call the cops when neighbors BBQ
    Chemically Sensitive to products depending on the politics of the owners
    Will sue over a neighbor enjoying a cigar in his own back yard
    Won’t wear Leather, prefers organic fiber products produced by slave labor in other countries
    Drive cars that run on ‘sustainable energy’ that is produced by burning coal
    Use exotic make ups and hair care products that contain complex inorganic compounds that take centuries to degrade in the oceans
    The suits will cost billions and will only make lawyers (who could give a shit about all this crap) millions and millions of dollars

  4. The gubmint usually buys at least 10 miles around military installations. A lot of times, they rent to companies who build section 8 housing or low rent homes, apartments, etc. Basically, the areas are somewhere between just passable and damn-near run down. After the military’s done with the land, it is rarely replaced with something nice. And even when it looks nice, there’s always a catch. lol.

  5. “See that screen on your microwave door? Looks like some of those microwaves could radiate out of the microwave oven into
    your eyes! {very bad}.Well not to worry,the holes in the screen are cut to an exact 1/4 wave length of the microwaves generated.This acts like a type of filter that
    will not allow the microwaves to leave the oven.”

    Ah shit! I guess I should replace that screen in my microwave.


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