New Video Depicts Capitol Police Using Stun Grenades on Crowd – IOTW Report

New Video Depicts Capitol Police Using Stun Grenades on Crowd

The video appears to contradict official claims and testimony that police did not use flashbangs on the January 6 Capitol Hill protesters.

9 Comments on New Video Depicts Capitol Police Using Stun Grenades on Crowd

  1. OK, Some one from inside still disabled the magnetic interlocks on the doors. Capital Police still ushered them in. All by the direction of Nancy the devils disciple. We suck. we fell for it.

  2. It was the greatest non-insurrection in history. A butterfly fart in a hurricane has more impact than the Jan 6 non-event.

    The dumpocraps should be relieved that the investigation didn’t pass the Senate. It would have shown the dumps to be the biggest crybabies in history.

  3. I have no doubt that there is a lot of video footage out there that hasn’t been released yet that will totally destroy the Piglosi-driven media narrative.

    Keep vigilant you citizen journalists!

  4. “Kelly was arrested on January 14 and charged with two misdemeanors. He was transported on March 8 to the D.C. jail holding January 6 detainees, where he remains awaiting trial.”

    Charged with 2 misdemeanors and held in jail for 5-1/2 months awaiting trial??!! WTF? I want my country back.

  5. Charged with 2 misdemeanors and held in jail for 5-1/2 months awaiting trial??!!

    Kelly is one among many. I’ve lost count of the number who’re being “held, some in solitary confinement” until their trials. It’s reported their trials won’t begin until the fall “due to Covid-19 restrictions”. I guess Zoom won’t suffice in this instance.

    Dems are onboard with closing Gitmo, yet they’re perfectly fine establishing what amounts to Japanese internment camps on American soil so long as Trump supporters are the detainees.

  6. Liberals have been liars long before the Bush Clan! The only folk hurt 1/6 were conservatives. Hillary, Bush, Adam, Mitt….alll lie! The cop had a hart attack; not as Bush and Hillary say killed by an attack!

    the liberal cops were the perpetrators of violence and murder!

  7. The new Communism is just as bad as the old Communism. Tt’s just dressed in new clothing to appeal to the masses of brain dead idiots who believe the democraps cockamamie deadly agenda. Welcome to the new boss, the same as the old boss….. A tiger can’t change its stripes and neither can communists, just ask Whittaker Chambers and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and they’ll tell you the truth about the evils of Communism.

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